
Also, the last living cast member of The Wizard of Oz period, I have to assume

Distressing that the new AV Club is writing junk like this, while completely ignoring the death today of one of the most prominent sportscasters of all time. No obit for Dick Enberg, member of three halls of fame and play by play announcer for scores of championships and Olympic games. But yeah OK Cupid changed

Say, instead of a big budget, world-renowned TV show, this happened to a freshman girl in a high school play. Would any of you be defending the Drama Club advisor who adds a kiss to mess with his young cast member?

TThhiiss iiss ggrreeaatt nneewwss!! CCaann’’tt wwaaiitt..

Tthhiiss iiss ggrreeaatt nneewwss!! Ccaann’’tt wwaaiitt!!!!

I know you’re not the AP or anything, but it’s hard to take the Newswire seriously when they’re writing about Donald Trump mispronouncing a word, but nothing on a fairly big country music star killed today in a helicopter accident.

Eh, I Don’t Know about this....