
The Penguins will migrate south on Saturday for a potentially clinching Game 5.

That first quarter was just insane yesterday. No Curry and the Warriors still completely buried Portland and just toyed with them the rest of the way. Seriously, 37-17 after the 1st? That’s like watching a good high school girls team play a bad high school girls team.

I guess it’s not too surprising that Reverse Barney hates everyone.

I always like to root for the guy who looks like the guy you'd underestimate at the Y on a Thursday afternoon.

Buzz City is what I call the sounds under my wife’s sheets.

It’s like Helium. Sure, Helium isn’t toxic in any way. But if you breathe in too much, it gets in the way of the good stuff. Homeopaths are the Helium of medicine.

Thanks for this. It looks like I came off as defending the product when I was actually asking why it seemed to work. It also explains why they wanted to go back to those tablets every night. Yummy sugar.

Her issue is that a non-vaccinated child risks infecting people in her waiting room/office/etc that are not yet vaccinated/immune to the vaccination/medically unable to be vaccinated.

I did a little reading on this. It turns out that you don’t get the potentized powers of homeopathic medicine unless you’ve specifically diluted it for that purpose. So, putting on your homeopathic lab coat unleashes the magic. It won’t happen by accident. Thank god.

Now playing

I always trot this out for Homeopathy discussions :)

Thanks for pointing out that choosing ”harmless” placebos can definitely bring harm for the reasons you mention!

“That was fugazi,” Johnson said.

“That was fugazi,” Johnson said

I’d criticize school staff for not seeing through the ruse, but in all fairness, nobody’s ever met a 30-year-old from South Sudan.

Can’t believe I’m saying this, but good move by the Browns to put themselves in a position to draft 3 quarterbacks in the next 2 years

“I’m blue da ba dee da ba die”

Seriously, you guys need to stop this. Like this is epic level trolling.

It’s always annoyed me that the airline can cancel the deal if they make an error, but if the consumer makes an error, too bad.

Maybe security guards hassle him less because he’s Asian and more because his hair makes him look like a junior high Juggalo or a background extra in a cut scene from the rave in Blade II.

If there's a willy, there's a way.