He’s just gonna say: “A lot of people!” His campaign has no problem not saying anything while repeating the same line over and over. Look at his advisor repeating “Says who?” over and over and over.
He’s just gonna say: “A lot of people!” His campaign has no problem not saying anything while repeating the same line over and over. Look at his advisor repeating “Says who?” over and over and over.
If RDR is ever available I’m trying this. Journey and RDR are the only console exclusive games I’m interested in.
There was a huuuuge thread on Reddit about all the broken promises, like multiplayer, with proof.
I kinda didn’t like V that much, it’s the only GTA that I stopped playing immediatly after finishing the story. It’s just too much, frankly. Too much side-content, too many characters. I think I would’ve like it much better to play as one character, but maybe have three different modes instead.
Could’ve at least googled Wade’s name
So this means he hasn’t doped? How does that make any sense?
I’m not saying he is doped up, I hope he isn’t. But have you ever considered that if none of them doped, Bolt would still be faster? He might dope too, just to keep that competitve edge.
Hold off a couple months and you'll get it for 12$ in a Humble monthly.
Did not read.
Who cares about Trump! Let’s talk about one of the greatest shows ever! I’m still sad they cancelled it, everytime I watch it Iwish it could’ve been on the air for longer. They had set up so many great storylines that were left unexplored:
Marcos Cesar Feres Braga... yeah that sounds russian
But how couldn’t they anticipate it: 1. It’s a mobile game, probably the most lucrative market for gaming right now. 2. It’s fucking POKEOM! One of the biggest, if not the biggest, worldwide franchise right now or ever!
yeah right... facebook ;)
Did he pay 255$ for a 100$ iTunes card?
Why even add AdBlockPlus if uBlock can do everything AdBlock does while using less resources?
Why not? Don’t Pokemon somehow spawn more the more cell service/signal (don’t know the right term) or whatever there is? A concert would be a pretty great location with thousands of people there.
Yeah, why do people want exciting politicians? You have one running for the presidency right now, how’s that working out?
Something I haven’t seen on the infographic:
I know nothing about MOBA’s or multiplayer FPS, but I’ve got a question: Can’t they make level requirements? Only experienced players playing with experienced players, only newcomers playing with newcomers.