
In the tag, it’s supposed to be Gumbel not Gumble...

While that’s technically true you’re overlooking the “shelf life” of the product. You can pass a game CD, book or music CD, etc. around as much as you want... until it gets scratched, torn, lost or something else. So someday there won’t be any usable re-sold copies around, and you’d be forced to buy new.

Little siblings, man! I never had something that would be as valuable today as these star wars things.

Nobody should wonder why people in war torn countries grow suspicious and violent against their “saviours”!

Can I find that somewhere?

How about a dunk is a basket made without an upward motion of the ball? The ball is just brought down.

Feta is alright, I toss it in every salad I make... but rainsins??? Raisins are the worst!

First I want to say: Thanks for posting the video! Very interesting!

Do I want to be that guy? Do I? Yeah, I do!

Why didn’t Detroit hack Jordan at the end of regulation right before Reddicks 3pointer?

More like a penis ring with a vibrator on top.

So facist, hitler, nazi... who cares? It’s all bad! I can compare him to Darth Vader and it would’t make a difference.

what’s the weirdest suggestion you got?

I mean, I love the US. I love travelling there and most of the people I met were friendly, talkative and quite interesting/interested. But you’ve got some crazy ass people over there, don’t you? Though... I’m sure, there are people like that all around the world.

I’d be more interested in a PC version of Journey... Oh and make a PC version of Red Dead Redemption while you’re at it. Go!

you discussed the alchemist? what is there to discuss?

That’s a bullshit argument, and you probably know it. Christianity, Judaismn, old native american relgions... all of those are incompatible with modern society. That’s why some years ago people started seperating religion from the governing body. Unfortunately it’s creeping in again. An argument like yours is just a