
Not only on Spotify, he’s on Soundcloud as well (https://soundcloud.com/daataa) and has tons of free downloads. If you love this though there’s more:

That reminds me, I was a big fan of E.L.O. back then and back then there wasn’t that much info floating around. You had to rely on the radio mainly to get your info. So it was in ‘81 that I had tuned in on one of my fave radio shows (The host was an E.L.O. supporter) and it just started playing music off of the new

Maybe humans arrived on the planet as it being part of one of their colonies?

It will never happen. Eventually they will morph into something else like “content aggregators” that provide a magical service of aggregating different service providers into one service and everybody is talking about awful the cord cutting experience was and how wonderful this new service is that delivers all the

I wish some of that heat would come over here in North Western Europe. We’re suffering in what must be the most depressing Summer ever. We’ve seen probably one week with temperatures that can be attributed to summer weather. The rest of the Summer appears like Fall over here.

“Are you sure that makes sense in context?”

But actually that’s not what the Fermi paradox is about. It says that enough time has gone by that probabilistically aliens should have been in our backyard (or at least detectable in nearby star systems). Space is just too big is some part of the probabilistic equation. Given the age of the universe 1 species and

Interesting link you provided but it didn’t give any new insights. It says “Fermi Paradox doesn’t exist” but then it goes on to elaborate on that Star Wars kinda galactic empires don’t exist. Well, I can sympathise with that. However that’s not what the Fermi paradox implies. It basically comes down to this. It only

Why is the Open Exoplanet Catalogue listing Kepler-56 at being at a distance of 1669 ly while you state it's at 3000?

Agreed. I really dislike cloudy/dark days especially with the shorter days in Winter but having it called "being depressed", no. It's just the kind of days I really don't like. Sun/warmt/lots of light however I do like and reading "Archaeyopterix Majorus" story just gave me the shock of recognition but then completely

Actually, they aren't really cursing .. well .. they *are* cursing but you hear this quite often when walking on a Peruvian street. It's more something of an expletive.

I was in Dallas in '91 and not being used to anything in those days, the Bank of America building made quite an impression on me. Must have been the first time when I saw a building that overly adorned with lights and up to this day I can still vividly remember the looks of it.

I was in Dallas in '91 and not being used to anything in those days, the Bank of America building made quite an impression on me. Must have been the first time when I saw a building that overly adorned with lights and up to this day I can still vividly remember the looks of it.

Yep, looks like Moscow to me!

Hmm .. but now you're trying to fit the data to the trend. Of course you will succeed doing this by shifting borders long enough so that your data will fit the trend.

I think the estimate for L is conservatively low. The fact that we're about to go radio silent, is disputable and quite irrelevant. It is disputable because our greatest sources of RF energy are military radars and with tensions in the world as they are it is very likely those emitters are here for the foreseeable

I think the estimate for L is conservatively low. The fact that we're about to go radio silent, is disputable and quite irrelevant. It is disputable because our greatest sources of RF energy are military radars and with tensions in the world as they are it is very likely those emitters are here for the foreseeable


I generally agree with your piece and fair competition is always favorable for us consumers. However there is a part I disagree;