
Honestly a spear probably isn't that great either in a cramped space (my joke notwithstanding). I would think a short sword would be the weapon of choice in that environment and that any warrior would expertly select their weapon for the expected environment. But since there has been nothing to distinguish one

And Dany may make it yet.

Rumor says they are stoic pussy and utilitarian pussy. Clearly the stoic is the one with the whip, because with such a shitty weapon she just has to deal with the futility of her situation as best she can, and the utilitarian is, of course, the one with the sensible and trusty spear.

Yup. My big question on Dorne is whether the Prince Doran's Targaryen plot will be shifted into Ellaria's character, or if it will simply be Dorne vs. the Lannisters because of Rhaegar's dead family/Oberyn. Honestly nothing sounds good at this point because I can't buy Ellaria being cool headed enough to play a long

Aye. And probably.

It's been a while since I read the books. Yeah, she's not just motivated by keeping her kids in power. She loves power in itself too. It's just that she's also motivated by this one, decent maternal instinct in addition to all of her lifelong nastiness. That doesn't make her much of a sympathetic figure, but it

AVC: When you get nominated for an Academy Award, like you did for Barton Fink, does that change your career trajectory?

Upvoted mostly on the ridiculing of Baelish's marriage plan. That hasn't been ridiculed enough.

I think the only thing that is sympathetic about Cersei is that the only decent instinct she displays is her looking after her children's safety. This is sympathetic because her kids are also playing the game of thrones, so keeping them safe means keeping them in power, which in turn means creating a whole lot of

I'm not even sure what Jaime's show character is anymore. In the books he found meaning/honor by being the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard and in protecting what stability there was after the end of the War of the Five Kings (while also finding honor in giving Brienne her quest). Here, they kept him sending

It was supposed to be really, crazy deep in the books, but it sure doesn't seem very deep on the ground in the show. I get that it might have been crazy CGI expensive to replicate that super storm from the books, but as it is, their jump from the wall was totally unbelievable.

Ok, even though Theon and Sansa's flight started with a 100 plus foot jump into a thin cover of snow that resulted in no injury, and even though they don't show those lovable blood hounds taking off after they had done their jobs (good doggies!), this was still a good scene. Also, my standards have been much lowered

I know. And Theon even gets Sansa to cross the river because he warns her that the river is better than what he's seen Ramsay's dogs do to people. But those Bloodhounds actually do seem real nice and they aren't attack dogs. I guess it didn't bother me because you can train any dog to attack I guess but maybe

You know Burke, at least you don't see them fucking each other over for a God-damn percentage…of confusingly marketed and produced shoes!

It's not your fault. I think the reason it was hard to follow is that the writers for the Dornish storyline have apparently decided that consistency, even being consistently terrible, is the last available virtue they haven't squandered. So, my theory is they are at least going to make all things Dornish as

You know what would be great: if next week's show just opened up with a quick cut of shots showing Ellaria and the Sand Snakes all being killed super quickly and with no explanation offered. Ever. And then Dorne never being mentioned again. I really think that's the best choice now going forward.

That wise acre.

So that's why Littlefinger's accent is all over the place. He's from the future!

Forgot about Vinny, he was the boyfriend right? Next week on a VERY special Blossom….

Even the sleeper hold isn't banned in Westeros! Roddy Roddy Piper gonna show up soon.