
(1) Yes. It was some explosive thing anyway.
(2) Yes. Probably a permanent guard on Blood Raven/Three Eyed Crow. Cuz he's got mad skills for the good and all.
(3) Can't remember if dragons mate with each other. Don't know about gender. There are more dragon eggs about. But they are rare. Can't remember if there

Alright, who here thinks that Euron will show up with the Iron fleet to move Dany's Dothraki/Unsullied army across the Narrow Sea? Also, it seems to be a sure thing that she will fly regardless because she has a dragon and all…so, who is flying the other two dragons? Tyrion obviously. But who is on the third?

People like Renly more than Stannis because he's charming and funny and makes people feel good. But he was the one who was willing to start a WAR with the unlikable, though lawful heir, who also happened to be his own fucking brother. That's pretty awful really. Also, its an open question whether Renly would have

I don't know about a MASSIVE misreading of his character, but the story of an essentially good, very intelligent man consumed by a lifelong sense of justice (flavored with some hypocrisy of course) was definitely not handled well at the end. Everyone knows that Stannis was an incredible hardass which drove him to

But let's make sure to spread it out over two seasons. That'll be even shittier.

What's good is that the Dorne storyline has been so botched that it felt kind of cathartic just watching Dornish characters drop like flies in a few short moments. What was bad is that they killed off all the LEAST annoying Dornish characters. Seriously, are we supposed to have no one to root for in Dorne? I mean

I mean, if in 2012, you are going to write a song about making a phone call on a payphone to a former love (an obvious rip-off of Jim Croce's classic "Operator"), you should not be so doubly lazy as to not put some contextual clues into the song that this call happened some years ago, like when payphones actually

He's not. It's like the dude said: Levine doesn't care that what he's singing would only make sense coming from a neurologically addled elderly person. He knows a shit-ton of people will buy whatever nonsense he sings, as long as it's catchy! And it often is. Not great. Not even very good. But I think he makes

Yeah, all agreed I think. Bigotry is alive and well, though in my white, male experience (and in my part of the country) much more common in it's unintentional, rather than intentional, form. And some right wingers do love themselves some, largely fabricated, victimhood, that's for sure. But, like I said to Zack

Thanks for that. Yeah, my buddy who told me about "trigger points" and "micro-aggressions" and "safe spaces" is a recent UCLA grad. And the article quotes a prof. from there who had a particular problem with a group of students demanding trigger warnings and creating a safe space (and thereby basically halting class

Fair point. I think I agree with all that.

"I'm at a payphone, trying to call home, but I spent all my change on you." That is something Levine once sang, something recent.

I honestly just heard about trigger warnings and safe spaces last year and so, I'm sure I don't fully understand them. But, they do sound like pretty annoying concepts - particularly trigger warnings and particularly for educators. I'm sure someone complaining ad nauseum about them could be pretty annoying too

Really? The absolute worst?

That does sound cool. I should re-think my stance. I don't know when modern world really is considered to have begun, but to me, anything that is post WWII (which the 1930s clearly aren't) is well within our "modern" age. And that stuff just isn't "antique" for me. Life just changed so much in American round WWII,

My buddy has a boat formerly called Larsen Bay Lodge (former owner). On both sides of the sides of the boat though, he has stripped off some of the lettering, so it says Arse Blo. He officially renamed the boat Larsen Bay, which it still says on the back of the boat. The beauty of this is that he (or other people)

Yeah, there certainly is some sexual violence. I'm having trouble recalling how much. One thing is for sure: the show is way worse than the books in that regard. And so too in regards to torture. Show spoilers below:

Ha. Smarter than me. Still, even though Lost wasn't wrapped up in an intellectually satisfying way, there were great moments of human pathos and other fancy words for emotion in the show. In particular, the episode "The Constant" was one of the best pieces of tv ever. And it basically stood alone from the rest of

I heard that Abrams didn't write much or most of Lost, but that process I feel is exactly what drove the plot in that show. And in the end, we all found out that there was actually no explanation to wrap up all the mysteries, no grand plot architecture, just - it was a parallel dimension man! or heaven, or

So why can't the old love get off at the destination with her? These afterlife rules sounds hopelessly tortured and arbitrary. Like its run by the Knights who say Ni or something.