
Ok - I don't even want to watch this trailer right now. But this sounds just like the plot for Salmon Fishing in the Yemen. Which was a stupid, stupid movie. Albeit with some fly fishing scenes that made me wish I was watching A River Runs Through It.

Yeah, it's definitely lost quality over time, but Beniof is a good writer. I base this upon his novel: City of Thieves. A really good, fun book with one super memorable character.

I bought this album because of King Kunta, which is a really fun, dope song with some clever lyrics and even some depth. But mostly it's just really catchy. The rest of the album (with the exception of i) is totally different. I think some of the lyrics are smart, profound, clever, etc. but musically, man, I just

They have mostly done a good job. However, the new Dorne story line was entirely their invention and was atrocious. Also the decision to have Littlefinger bring Sansa to Winterfell was highly illogical and felt like D&D trying to get her to a place that she probably ends up in the books, but rushing it due to time

You caught me. Now I've got to get back to work: working on my Wildcards Series, writing a foreward to someone elses book, watching spring training baseball and scheduling more movies for my movie-house in Santa Fe. There was something else I was supposed to be doing too…….

You imply that you read the books. If so, how could Jon NOT be "so important"? I mean….(trying not give spoilers away, though they are just technically theories still).

Yeah, his journey through the Riverlands was like a contemplative breather for all the changes that had happened to him and of course, to the kingdom. But I'm sure we haven't seen the last of Edmund and especially the Blackfish.

Stannis is one of my favorite characters as well. He is slavishly/fervently devoted to his concept of duty above all (except that whole rise up against my rightful king episode, so that my wild-ass older brother can take the throne, suggesting that he's actually a hypocrite like the rest of us).
Regardless though,

The worst thing about Jaime's show storyline is that it looks like we may never get to see Jaime's "trebuchet" speech from AFFC - the most gangster speech in all the books. That and his still pining for Cersei doesn't really make sense to me in terms of satisfying character development, but maybe it'll play ok.

True, but in fairness Ramsay has two emotional states: (1) being a psycho and (2) anxiety of his position/resentment.

Hardhome was amazing. But Dorne wasn't just "kind of a mess" in my opinion. It was comically bad. I mean the Dorne stories were slow in the books, but not bad world building or writing, just maybe extraneous…but every scene in the watergarden in the show made me either cringe or laugh out loud (the sand snakes

All agreed except to point out that Tyrion was boring because he was extremely depressed and was a slave for much of it. Kind of boring being a slave. Dany was boring because she's a half-bright teenager who makes poor decisions, but that's who teenagers are and what teenagers do, largely. And Bran was boring

I can't tell if you are joking but assuming you are not - yeah I can see why you would think that. On the other hand the Alps are one of the three places on earth where that kind of skiing was invented (Norway and the Altai mountains in Central Asia are the other two). More importantly, the word alpine has come to

I'm from Alaska and have spent quite a bit of time in bear country. At the risk of sounding pedantic, bears don't truly hibernate. They do den up for the winter, it's true, and they do spend most of the winter there. However, it's not very uncommon for bears to get up and walk around a bit throughout the winter.

I've never devoted myself full-time to skiing because, well, I've always had a full-time job. But to take your other point -like I already implied: you can't be truly poor and afford ski gear. But if you can shell out $400 for used equipment and can afford another (say $100) for once a week lessons for half a ski

Yeah, but most Americans don't like super hard full body workouts and that precedes the shooting. So that's why the Scandos will always dominate biathlon. Maybe if there was a jelly donut at each shooting station.

And the other (maybe proper) name for downhill skiing is alpine skiing. It's a better term.

Actually cross-country skiers ski up hills all the time.

I think you are confusing "elite" with rare. Most people on earth don't live in the higher latitudes for starters. But cross-country skiing isn't expensive to get into, at least for middle class westerners. It's just that most communities don't participate because you need (a) reliable snow on the ground and you

I loved the first couple of books. Just magical. Have to say though that Europeans didn't introduce scalping to the Americas. Many tribes there already practiced that. It was a widespread thing among some American peoples; unknown among others. Of course, Europeans had scalped in the past. Europeans did encourage