
I’ll be they could hit a Red Shirt. Those guys always die.

I like all the anti-snowflake posts.

I think you have that backwards — Wright has been telling that joke since the 1980s.

I think you have that backwards — Wright has been telling that joke since the 1980s.

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

For my birthday, I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier. I put them in a room and let them fight it out.

I drink about five or six cups a day. I’m sure at least one of those will be close enough to the “right time” for me.

I don’t see that in the BSA charter — it says:

All the cool kids are using MySpace now.

But atheists are still banned from the BSA, right?

Good point, ivan256. Drowning is the second most common way kids die, whether on a ship or not. (Cars are the first.) Many of these (and I suspect the shipboard ones as well) are the parents’ fault. The run into the house to answer a phone call — just for a few seconds — and in that time their child drowns. Parents

“Only $32” for an elevator ride. They sure do things differently in NYC.

You didn’t get “super lucky”; you got appropriately lucky. Most transactions, even high dollar ones, are not problematic. And even for the ones that are, if you follow PayPal’s seller protection rules, you’ll be fine.

I know the horror stories sell ink, but keep in mind that the vast, vast majority of PayPal transactions go off without a hitch.

Yes, I got it right. You, on the other hand, have gotten nothing right. How is life as a sub-human, anyway? Do you at least get cookies?

I may be an asshole, but I know what the original 13 colonies are. You don’t. Win for me.

And rather than just copping to your error, you double-down on the asshatness. Grow up already.

Cool, a real life version of the “I TROLL U” guy.

In my headcanon the Bruce Spence character is the same guy. There’s nothing really contradictory about it, and there’s a lot in common between the two roles.

You only listed nine, and two of them (ME & VT) were not original 13 colonies. Back to grade school you go.

As slow as the Delorean is, there’s still no way a VW Bus full of Libyans could keep up. Those things are seriously slow.

Even if it is true, that autonomous cars will kill millions of jobs, saving jobs should never be a reason for stopping technology. Automated elevators killed the entire elevator operator job category, but does anyone really argue that we need to go back to having a guy in every elevator working the controls?