
I can’t stand the look of cargo pants, but if one is going through an airport (especially when travelling internationally,) there’s nothing better. You have a secure place for your sunglasses, passport, plane ticket, and anything else you need. I don’t give a shit if I look like a dork.

You may have a point, but I’ve designed an ultra lightweight armor using the plot of the show itself.

Classic D&D, having Sansa tell the Hound that if she hadn’t been raped for months she wouldn’t ever have been able to be a skilled politician.

He’s not going down there to try to SAVE her.

Should’ve picked Tormund.

Jesus. There is some hot shit spewing from every spore of both this article (I luv u Drew, but your music taste is as subtle as a cement block) and the comment section (lots of people really wanting to make sure we know they listen to Black Flag for some reason?), but the last person that is worthy of anyone’s scorn

Hey, let’s not blame Nels Cline

Yeah Drew made a one-liner dig at Frank Zappa in a Funbag like three years ago and I still think about it.

Agree. The whole “the U.S. is just too big for single payer, etc..” excuse is intellectually lazy.

We pay nearly as much when we factor in healthcare, dental, vision costs. Then add on local and state, sales, gas, utility taxes. Follow up with a capital gains tax and a myriad of other taxes. I would much rather have one main tax with use taxes rather than broke by a thousand taxes.

So I think what Joe Walsh is actually saying is that, even though life’s been good to him so far, Trump is still just an ordinary, average guy.

How about we apply this approach to basically every political subject? How about we stop being scared of how some right-wing fucking chud reacts when we tell them they’re wrong? How about we own that socialistic mechanisms aren’t a bad thing?

I’d love to see a report of every free throw that James Harden has taken that he doesn’t deserve.

Simple comeback for the “universal healthcare will drive up taxes” people: Of course it will, but that will be far, far offset by your savings on premiums and deductibles.  

It was a little cheesy, but no where near as shitty as the ending of the episode. The White Walker threat ended in a single episode. Unbelievable

It’s more like The Night King is supposed to be pretty damn tough to kill, and Arya got the jump on him like it was nothing. It felt way too easy to me.

It really makes no sense that the Night King wouldn’t have protected that one glaring weakness a little better.

I think Arya was able to stab the Night King in a small thermal exhaust port, right below his main port.

You’ve obviously never been to the Bay Area.