Regarding checking out at the grocery store:
Regarding checking out at the grocery store:
Please settle a debate: Is Back to the Future a sci-fi movie?
I bought a $20 dollar bidet that attached to your current toilet and seat and was instantly convinced. Just this year upgraded one of my toliets with the Toto Washlet C200 (which I will note is the Wirecutter’s choice of bidet) and definitely fell in love with it. Highly recommend anyone who is on the fence spend…
Nah. I stand by my statement.
My beard is there to protect me from the cold and from my toddler’s pinching hands, but most of all to protect me from remembering that when I am clean shaven I look like a doofy middle-aged Harry Potter. And not at all in a “hey, look what an endearingly attractive man Daniel Radcliffe turned out to be” sort of way.
it does make sense, though, considering that capitalism is an accumulation economy. Expand or go out of business. short term profits at the expense of everything else.
I don’t have employer-based insurance and I can’t afford ACA compliant insurance and I make too much money to qualify for any ACA help. I have a crappy policy for me and my spouse that is only there to (hopefully) keep us from going broke if anyone has a heart attack or breaks a femur. I pay $600 a month for the…
The writers are too young, inexperienced to know better and the editor is the same. This place is a shell of itself.
How is she insulting her constituents? She is saying her district is firmly Democrat - as is she. Is she also insulting herself. This reporting is gross.
I said this yesterday, but I think Bernie can flip some of the swing voters.
pipe Foghat’s “Free Ride” into their workspace all day
This is me every day since November 9, 2016.
Now change “free riders” to corporations and the rich that pay no taxes
illegal immigrantswelfare recipients and reread the article.
Or, you could be way less dense and understand the difference between unions which are fighting to protect workers from being treated like shit and welfare recipients.
Shaming deadbeat scabs to see if they are actually shameless is a good start.
Yeah, I’d like to see him make a mix tape using a crappy turn-table and a Panasonic tape deck. (“Dude, this mix is hot, it’s got twelve songs!”)
I used to feel this way, and then Kinja inundated me with bidet ads and I gave-in and bought one. Now the absence of my beloved bidet has ruined work dumps :(
What is the best time to take a dump?
My condolences etc etc but you must admit, bruxism is one hell of a metal name for a psycho-physiological condition
I live in LA and everywhere I go serves 80% IPA’s. And I HATE IPA’s. Fuck that bitter disgusting shit!