Let’s generalize. The bait is identity politics. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on.
Let’s generalize. The bait is identity politics. It doesn’t matter what side you’re on.
I think that the believe that only “evil” people commit acts like this keeps victims from being believed actually.
That’s really, really fucked up, and I’m really sorry to hear that. They should absolutely be told to fuck off, regularly.
I do community theatre
uh? Why/when did you ever respect them? They’ve been a shitty group since the time of Reagan.
Guess we know why he’s not Del The Bouncy Homosapien then.
I’m always ready to rag on Weezer.
Neutral Milk Hotel is a grating bandname and the band’s music is not interesting enough to compensate for it.
You don’t need to see the first two. It’s only worth seeing for what happens in the end.
The majority of Americans are not good parents. Most should not even be allowed to own pets.
What pisses me off about the democrats is how preoccupied they are with bipartisanship and consensus. They had the public option ready to pass when they had the majority, but felt that it would be too much and leave republicans feeling butt hurt on what would have been a massive victory. They care too fucking much…
Like all of us, this list needs more Sleep.
REM guy has the GOAT unibrow though. Let him have that.
This may be the worst take I’ve ever read on Deadspin, which is really fucking hard to do. Bravo!
One thing not mentioned is that 1986 was without question when thrash metal peaked (and by the looks of the charts and the state of the world, with good reason).
I’m going to throw Donald Sutherland out there—consistently one of the best, most interesting actors of the 70s and early 80s. Then he seemed to realize he can make a lot of money for extended cameos to add ‘class’ to a project. He remained capable of greatness (6 Degrees of Separation comes to mind), but he spends…
Chocolate and peanut butter, my man. Two things that are great on their own and even better together.