If anything, Hoover would be disappointed that Comey didn’t abuse his power hard enough.
If anything, Hoover would be disappointed that Comey didn’t abuse his power hard enough.
90% top marginal tax rate. Thing is our country used to pay for a lot of things for the public. They just stopped doing it, so that a small group can get massively rich.
Maybe not Ginobili.
What if I told you that weren’t obligated to put your money in a bank that made speculative trades? You can use power as a consumer.
Yeahhhh dude. To me a smoothie is equal parts delicious, and mode of ingestion for copious amounts of greens that I otherwise do not want to eat. There’s a sweet spot where you’re putting in enough spinach to do your system good, but not enough that you can actually taste it. The berries cover you.
I’m in the same boat. My ex is named Awkwafina, and just seeing her same name on the screen will be triggering.
“Quit before your party gets royally embarrassed in the midterms” - Ayn Rand
I find the timing more convenient for running in the 2020 presidential race. I think he sees the impending removal of Trump as his prime opportunity to capitalize on the anger this will generate in his rabidly dedicated followers.
Call me a pessimist, but I’m holding off on the dancing.
Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.
Oh man, that one song off “Thick as a Brick” is the best. You know which song I mean.
Well then, you ain’t getting no fucking blowjob.
In regards to the washer and dryer placement, my dryer is on the left and washer on the right. This is because my house is set up for a gas dryer and that’s where the gas line runs. In order to go washer left and dryer right, I’d have to redo the gas line and I’m not fucking with that just to please you assholes.
As a customer I’d like to see a color coding system for how a restaurant pays their employees:
The Boost Mobile episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
I considered dating Christina Applegate back in the 90s.
Cortes, Cortes... what a killer.
Matt Taibbi is, or was, pretty good. His reporting on miscellaneous forms of Wall Street/banking industry fuckery is both readable and informative.
I’m in the group that hates when people bring their non service animals into a bar/brew pub. Several times I’ve seen dogs fighting in the middle of a crowded bar and secretly hoped someone got bit, just so the establishment could ban dogs.
No, there is no need to use the plastic bags for any produce. Just wash the damn thing before you eat and or cook it. And dont bag your fucking meat. Its already wrapped in plastic, it doesnt need more damn plastic around it. 400 years to biodegrade that piece of plastic so you don’t get icky chicken juice on your…
That auto-playing video ad in the middle of the article was distracting.