My parents lost their shit when Steppin’ Wolf played the county fair and I rolled my eyes and whined.
My parents lost their shit when Steppin’ Wolf played the county fair and I rolled my eyes and whined.
The last paragraph’s mention of time as a river caused me to remember the book, Siddhartha, and what it had to say on the matter:
Regarding the look the guy received from Perrine, I say fuck it. If I read/comprehend correctly, she was lying on her back, ON A TABLE, with her legs spread apart. No?
It’s really hard to emigrate to Canada, if you don’t have birthright citizenship. You either A) have to have a very technical and useful skill, B) have family in Canada that can sponsor you, or C) have a job offer already from a company who also has to prove why you are a better candidate than a current Canadian…
“You have to get them onto utensils so they don’t show up to a birthday party and look like Nell coming of the forest to house some birthday cake.”
Motherfuckers that want to get their shit wrekt.
You Just Don’t Care Any More.
For those who just lost your airline discounts.... you have my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for mentioning Superchunk’s On The Mouth at the end. Standout album in a great year for indie/alternative releases.
If something interesting happened, I will tell you. You don’t have to ask.
You can easily apply the same principals to adults. Don’t ask me how the fuck work was. I barely managed to NOT strangle my coworkers today.
Got some bad news for you, buddy. Foo Fighters was Dad Rock the moment it was created.
I met up with a lady from the Internet. Got the banging out of the way right away, and then went to see Crystal Skull. It was so bad I never wanted to see her again.
“Star Wars for adults”—-I dont’ really see the insult here. All he seems to be trying to say is that he wants to make an epic sci-fi movie geared to adult audiences. Looking forward to seeing his take...I love the novel, and both Arrival and Blade Runner 2049 were very solid movies. Looking forward to his take on…
Yeah, as it is this story is pretty much unfun.
I usually agree and appreciate the advice in this column. Good stuff.
Next you’re going to tell me former Faith No More guitarist Jim Martin is only growing champion-sized pumpkins to smuggle meth.
Acoustic Layla can die in a fire. If I never hear it again, that would be okay.
I loved Ewan McGregor in Fargo but I really think Jude Law should’ve won for The Young Pope he was utterly amazing in it.