
Hillary was a bloodbath by what definition?

I get it, it’s frustrating, especially for younger folks who haven’t yet seen this sort of thing firsthand time after time after time, but a lot of the confusion dissipates when you finally wake up to the fact that while the Democratic Party may be situated a little closer to your side than the other guys on this or

It was a joke, son.

They can see your whole screen too.

I always figured Kinja did this too with cancelled comments.

If you have a Ralph’s around, try their “Fizz & Co” no sweetener, no calorie seltzer waters with Cola, Dr. Pepper or Root Beer flavor. I haven’t had a soda in years but am addicted to these things. They’re like diet sodas but don’t have that diet soda sweetener-chemical taste, but do have the flavor of the thing

Operation: Mindcrime dude. It rules.


I and other millions say they don’t have to. So now what?

I know this is aimed at the individual but two areas that really need to switch to more paper-based products rather than plastic and styrofoam are take out places and food packaging. Plastic for those purposes should be outlawed where possible and severely curtailed where not. I’d gladly pay the extra nickel or dime

Pyrex makes the glass containers, under the name SnapWare. There are others out there. They rule. I’ve stopped with the Gladware and other similar plastic containers and most Ziploc plastic bags, and just use these now. Yes they’re pricier at first, but over time, the cost will even out with what you spend on the

Hollywood needs to, quite simply, shut-up and entertain.

Unless you’re in her district you’re not holding her to anything. Quit bothering us and go play outside.

Film freedom ain’t free, buddy.

The article didn’t mention whether the cleaning was handled by the shop, the person renting, or the company itself

there is a huge question that no one seems to be able to answer. At what point is it one person renting out their car to make a few bucks using Turo, and at what point are they running a rental car business?

Read your current events, boy.

Oh he’s going to be just fine.

Complete non-story.

Yeah no, and fuck you for comparing me to that shit. Maybe you haven’t heard but it’s the other party where the actual Nazis reside and are welcomed.