
No, read it again, it says we got rid of those guys.

This isn’t CNN.

Love is “not accusing anyone of anything,” but bringing the lawsuit to improve the election process.

It’s so weird isn’t it? As a high-schooler at the time, 80s Metallica is what put me on the road to becoming a leftie for life. They had songs opposing the death penalty, war, organized religion, pollution, corruption, censorship...

I also think that a musical biopic of an unexpected artist would be awesome.

“Don’t need no credit card to ride this train” is a lyric so bad you kinda have to just roll with it.

All there WAS to that decade was generic corporate schmaltz

Sucks for them, they should learn.

You owe me $200.

Totally. Try talking to a boomer about how impossible it is to buy a house now vs when they did sometime.

Had social media been a thing circa-1990, you’d better believe there’d be bitter angry rants about how much things suck.

Not this Xer nor any of those I pal around with. We definitely come down on your side.

Eh. We Xers got fucked, but they got fucked harder. Plus we’ll be dying off as the two horsemen of the apocalypse, artificial intelligence and climate change, really dig in to fuck them one final time.

Worked fine for me and a lot of people here, sounds like.

Jesus christ. Go play outside.

Well, he was in fact a Republican...

The thing is, the media by design simply can’t decide to not cover every utterance, lie, and dumb thing he says... which ironically only makes him more unstoppable. They are incapable of not giving him the attention he as a narcissist craves. This isn’t even the media’s fault, it’s just how the media works. And Trump

Anyone who says that ought to be slapped silly. Yeah Trump is a disgrace, a moron, a fascist, a sexual criminal, most likely a traitor, a shitstain of a person, and optically worse, but in real outcomes he hasn’t even approached Bush-level (yet, anyway).

Don’t forget the war on the middle class.

“Youthful indescretion” was a phrase heard a lot during the Bush II Years.