He will make alot of money for himself and his cronies all while destroying the planet for profit and creating more poverty and oppression for americans.
He will make alot of money for himself and his cronies all while destroying the planet for profit and creating more poverty and oppression for americans.
Every time I see that segment it makes me said for the education system
She made that money, you didn’t.
Tilda Swinton is so fucking cool I can hardly stand it.
Californian here. I’d like to have Newsom be Governor here first. He’s pretty progressive as far as bigtime Democrats go.
Mack did the exact opposite and repeatedly asked Baio how he could stand behind a man that said he would grab women by the pussy. She also repeated that phrase multiple times, over and over again, in increasingly loud tones
Because it’s more descriptive than just saying ‘chat’ which can still mean over the phone (which, horror right?) or in person (worse horror). And if I tell so and so to Slack me, they know not to text me or use some other chat whatever bullshit, but to chat me on Slack.
Hey look, yet another plus for the south.
Human slaves, silly. Like they already have now.
Ah yes, there’s my esteemed congressman, making his constituents proud.
an off-brand Miracle Mop after a Fanta accident
Its not so much that inequality exists, but the severity of the inequality that’s the problem. And yes, it is a valid argument.
Wait, who should be in jail now? Isn’t this the guy who assaulted a reporter?
Off-Draymond-topic, but is Klay Thompson contributing in some subtle yet critical way on defense or something that isn’t readily apparent? He was tossing bricks all night, and seems like has been below par all season so far. Yeah he hits a few here and there, but every time they give him the ball I think “PASS IT!”…
Maybe if inequality wasn’t so bad, they wouldn’t have to.
If you end up with money, its probably more likely the impact you make on the world will be a bad one.
I’m here too. I know they recoil in horror when I emerge from my hovel and they see me with my unkempt hair and ‘could care less’ fashion sense. We should form a support group.
She wants to help? Then have that be her final public appearance. It’s time for a new day in the Democratic Party and the Clintons symbolize everything wrong with it.