
You cheer now but the truth is they need the letters to put on the White House.

I most definitely will not.

Come on now people. She clearly meant to type “babe in heels”.

I’ve been hoping for a very long time to get this kind of post mortem on the Democratic Party coming out of an election. It seems finally, loud, reasoned, and important voices are pointing the finger at the problems within the party itself and are finally talking about clearing the decks of the old, failed guard in

I don’t want to see the Clintons appear in public life ever again, and that includes Chelsea. I hope many are with me, and if they start trying to get their little fingers into Democratic Party pies again, I hope they’re told to GTFO.

I think Newt Gingrich is going to be the de facto president.

The New York Times has a series of clear graphs about Trump’s base, and aside from being overwhelmingly white, the income level of the majority of his voters compared to Clinton voters individually make over $50,000 a year.

Diversity’s nice, but I’ll settle for more actual journalism in media.

ALWAYS clear the search bar, dude.

Nope. Stop blaming Gary Johnson or anyone other than the Democratic Party, who couldn’t beat this complete buffoon. Pointing the finger outward isn’t going to help anything. The Democratic Party is beyond worthless and needs a top-down makeover.

Matthews was particularly nauseating tonight, getting out ahead of the Monday Morning QBing on Hillary. Dude is just shameless.

I’m glad he hasn’t been around the last 6 months setting back our state decades with his bullshit.

Klay Thompson not showing up didn’t help.

Next thing you know, they’ll be thinking the government allowed lead in the water too.

This is indeed the correct answer.

I guess football really does cause brain damage.

And that Green Dragon sauce, yo

Car no doubt. Just last night on a long drive Ice Cube’s ‘Givin Up the Nappy Dugout’ came on my iPod, and despite being white, I know that early Ice Cube shit backwards and forwards (and let me tell you, it holds up) so had it cranked and was rapping along with it because it was late, I was on the open road, and I

You think this means Paul Ryan has a spine?

Massive fame will be his in a snap.