
No detail can be left to chance for the mind of a woman is an infernal engine that feeds on deceptions of the inept.

You use the Pig Destroyer to SMASH THE OTHER TWO INTO BITS

Why do people keep saying this? His honesty and willingness to tell it like it is has way more appeal to swing voters and yes, even some conservatives, than Hillary does. Let him loose against any of the weaksauce Republican presidential candidates, or Trump, and he’ll eat them for breakfast.

I thought that even airline pilots are paid pretty shitty.

if you scraped like even $10k from the bottom of each of the players’ salaries, I bet they’d never even know the difference, not to mention $100k from the owner’s

I wonder if Jezebel content editors would be paid more or less than cheerleaders.

That doesn’t make it not nonsense.

an even newer procedure that’s being used to re-virginize religious women in order to turn them back into marriage material.

• Getting super easily offended

Yeah, well, twitter is a knee-jerk wasteland. That’s why forums like this are important, and I value getting to hear from someone like you in more than 140 characters, and perhaps those who tweeted some silliness can hear a more expanded view.

I’m sure as shit tired of progressive who claim to expouse the same political ideology as me telling and others like me who is best for me.

Joe Biden? Would he be better? How so?

Fair enough. I’d be curious to hear who in the running you think would be better for the black community?

Most pescetarians don’t really give an actual fuck. The correct label for me is pescetarian but most people are too stupid to know what ‘pescetarian’ means if you say it to them, so usually just say ‘I don’t eat meat, but I eat fish occasionally’ and try to leave it at that, which gets you labelled as a ‘vegetarian’

What about fish?

At least Bobby Jindal finally officially announced his candidacy for president, they can take solace in that.

Doesn’t make this any less stupid.

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
―Benito Mussolini

I don’t know, it’s nice to see something once in a while that’s not 100% fawning. I love and respect the music of Ornette Coleman, and I own and treasure a good number of his LPs, but all the gushing when someone of his caliber ascends can become a little much sometimes.

“another Jezebel writer who was also at a wedding and whose name sounds like “mork”