
I am really enjoying watching Trump not only flame out, but take down numerous prominent Republicans with him. Pivot!

And the hair is clearly a snap-on piece, like something from a Lego set.

Trump has always been obsessed with being a celebrity. I read something by a gossip reporter the other day that claimed he used to drop the dime on other famous people as long as she would include a line about “Donald Trump attended a Knicks game with [model]” in a future column.

Because it lends more credence to the allegations that Trump raped teenaged girls at Jeffrey Epstein’s parties.

Trump’s spokespeople and defenders are already using that line. One of them said (in reaction to the pussy tape) that you can hear similar language in rap songs so NBD. Twitter made fun of her, but it’s quite possible she said this as a preemptive defense against the release of tapes of Trump dropping the N-bomb.

What you’re doing is awesome and having been in a similar position, I can empathize with what you’re going through. I was very privileged and lucky to get into an excellent grad school and earn advanced degrees.

Yeah, Feinberg’s call for journalists to break their conventions is a tad hasty. There’s no evidence we’re even close to running out of legitimately sourced material that makes Trump look awful.

We’re less than 30 days from a presidential election and some people have already cast their ballots. Everyone in the country knows who Trump is and very few people are undecided. It’s far too late now.

Journalists are never going to follow this suggestion. It would make more sense to direct this appeal to anyone who’s ever worked for/with Trump or had any kind of a personal relationship with him. I’m sure there are plenty of people he’s screwed who would be happy to hand over documents or recordings if they could

You’re right about all of this.

I am an enthusiastic Clinton supporter. I would have been a reluctant but dutiful Sanders supporter. He sucks in so many ways that it boggles my mind that people still take him seriously as a politician, let alone the leader of a movement.

Exactly. And leftist voters would need to vote in every election and raise tons of money for their favored candidates in primary races instead of voting third party or not participating at all.

Or Harper in Canada. Trudeau only became PM because his party (GASP) coordinated with another party on the left.

Political scientists and economists are still arguing whether European welfare systems are sustainable and you’re sure that we can just import what they have without too many problems.

This is why people don’t take Bernie fans seriously. Europe is not homogenous. Italy’s political/economic system is not like Germany’s or England’s or Norway’s. There are ways in which each of those countries is more liberal than the U.S. and ways in which each of those countries is more conservative.

THIS. Some of the things that hurt Trump the most this cycle are his refusal to release his tax returns and his bigotry and sexism.

Maybe we’re less economically liberal than previous generations (and that’s a big maybe given high support for liberal programs and ‘big government’), but we are certainly more liberal in every other way.

Sanders reverts to his stump speech when answering questions. And parts of that stump speech include shit he’s been saying in Congress for decades. People love to say Clinton is a bad politician, but she seems like JFK compared to Sanders.

Given what we’ve seen of them this past year, “political outsider” apparently means “old white man whose pre-election career was marked by mediocrity and failures”.

Germany, which represents globalist neoliberalism to a lot of leftists, has been FAR more welcoming to refugees and immigrants than the Scandinavian countries that they extol.