
It’s definitely a tell. I once had a landlord who sniffed whenever he was being dishonest. Like when my roommate and I figured out he had plugged his fridge into an outlet that was on our meter.

It’s lousy with MRAs and other alt-right scum. But there are a few subreddits that are fun to visit, like r/hitmananimals, r/asksciencefiction, and r/shittyrobots. The pro-Clinton subreddits are also good: r/hillaryclinton and r/hillaryforamerica

Though he wasn’t the Republican nominee in those previous years and I’m not sure how much of his boasts of assault were caught on tape.

Yeah, I think it’s this. Mark Burnett is afraid of being slammed by a bunch of lawsuits alleging he contributed to a hostile workplace by allowing Trump to harass people on the set of The Apprentice.

Could be. I’ve been reading on Twitter that NBC execs were afraid of being sued into oblivion if they released these tapes (shades of Thiel/Gawker? Plus, Trump is known to be litigous). I’m also seeing people say there was some kind of multi-million dollar fine attached to an unauthorized release of Apprentice footage.

Trump boasted of attacking white women. The GOP won’t stand for that! Nor will our national political press.

Feels more like a deluge. New things are emerging on almost an hourly basis.

Yeah, NBC made Trump a star. If they had those tapes, they’ve been keeping them under wraps to avoid tarnishing their own brand. 

I think Trump is done in Utah. The states’ Mormons were already leaning toward voting third party.

It’s amazing that, more than 150 years later. we’re still relitigating some of the ideas that led to Civil War, like the humanity of black people and the authority of the federal government over the states.

Why should I be fair to Knox in this regard? What happened to her is awful but Patrick Lumumba was also a victim here. He had to leave Italy because of Knox’s accusation.

Knox could have named literally anyone else. Italians are racist against black people but it’s not like white ladies blaming black men when they get in trouble is new for Americans.

Luntz is also a GOP pollster. The Atlantic did an amusing (for me, at least) profile of him a year after Romney’s defeat.

Nah, it’s common on reddit’s Enough Trump Spam subreddit. Also common in the anti-Bernie Spam subreddit.

Trump puts the “zany” back in Tanzania!

I’ve laid in an ample popcorn supply for Sunday night. It should be even more trainwrecky due to the format.

This same 1/3 of the country thinks hurricane warnings are a government conspiracy to convince people global warming is real. Feels over reals, ya’ll.

Racist white men have a long, dishonorable history of attacking black men they claim are a threat to white womenhood.

The horror! A woman who rests in preparation for a big event!