That’s the thing that really puzzles me: why does Drudge want to kill off some of his own readership? What is the upside to this particular insane conspiracy theory for him?
That’s the thing that really puzzles me: why does Drudge want to kill off some of his own readership? What is the upside to this particular insane conspiracy theory for him?
Trump’s Katrina:
I saw Frank Luntz warning Vanilla Ice against riding out the storm. Twitter can be so weird.
Resentment and revenge have animated the right since at least the ‘60s. The investigations of the Clintons and Obama were specifically revenge for Nixon’s impeachment. Nominating an raging bigot man-child is their FU to the diverse coalition of Americans who elected Obama. And modern conservatism can ideologically be…
I read that Trump’s preparation involved a faux town hall with his supporters that lasted about 30 minutes and involved a half-dozen questions like, “Do you think Hillary Clinton is a harpy or a shrew?”
Of course it’s not funny. Yogurt should not be joked about.
That’s the most ominous yogurt-related story I’ve ever read.
I think HamNo was trying to write about the laudable changes at Chobani in a funny way. It’s understandable that the humor is lost on anyone unfamiliar with his semi-annual rants about yogurt on Gawker (or anyone else, actually).
Is it now a rule that yogurt can only have a name you feel silly saying out loud?
I was hoping it’d be Dog.
Or worse—they only carry the fat free version. What is even the point ?
Are you trying to be a bigger yogurt hipster than HamNo?
Fat is good. Sugar is bad.
This is an unfair portrait of Bill’s tenure. You’re leaving out one BIG reason why he had “triangulate”—Republicans controlled Congress.
I discount the impact of “optics” on elections. There is a lot of good political science research that has demonstrated things like the economy and whether the nation is at war are far more important. The one real thing she has going against her (as opposed to nebulous ‘optics’ that are largely a media invention) is…
A ThinkProgress piece discussing how lawyerly Kaine’s performance was.
I love this circular argument most of all!
Oh god, there are still BernieBros trotting out polls from last summer to ‘prove’ Bernie would be beating Trump by 20 points right now. I can’t even start to explain how wrong they are.
Which is what EVERY presidential candidate does. Why is it suddenly a problem when a woman makes the same choice?