
Perfect! That’s exactly the kind of thing Clinton’s campaign strategists want to hear.

I tweeted last night that I would have been far more worried if it were Al Gore or John Kerry going up against Trump. Or almost any other Democratic man.

I saw that. She was even criticized for smiling too much.

I saw someone on Twitter liken the presidential debate to a sort of job interview with the American public. So what you say is really apt--Trump has never even had to interview for a position because his daddy simply handed him money and a job.

You are probably right. The unscripted format and lack of anywhere to hide was terrifying for Donald. If you looked closely, you could see his (tiny) hands trembling slightly toward the end of the debate.

Talking about odd behavior is not the same thing as making fun of someone’s looks.

Looked like a bad case of pneumonia.

Do they include a nice tote bag with a sustaining membership? Maybe a travel mug that says, “Coffee + Milk = Abomination”?

The Venn Diagram for Stormfront and Reddit’s Donald Trump sub is a circle. (BTW: anyone who isn’t at work should check out r/stormfront--it’s one of my favorite jokes on Reddit).

I thought 400-lb hackers were into Mountain Dew.

It makes you wonder if Trump will change his approach for the second debate or whether he’ll get stubborn and double down.

Agreed. She had a delicate balancing act between criticizing Trump and his ideas without coming off smug, harsh or professorial, especially as a woman. But Clinton managed to pull it off with ease.

Oh good gods preserve us. According to the DC Press, Paul Ryan is a thoughtful policy wonk! In reality, he’s just as much of a babbling idiot as Louie Gohmert.

I think Clinton’s main problem is that she hasn’t had a chance to make a positive case for herself. Everything is Trump, Trump, Trump. Even when she gives speeches or interviews carefully detailing her policy proposals, the media will latch on to any anti-Trump criticisms she makes and turn it back to him.

Because Trump is a typical bully-coward. He never lies about or insults people when they’re in the same room. He waits until he’s in his safe space, i.e. Twitter, to unleash on his enemies.

Exactly. What’s the point of having respected journalists moderate the presidential debates if they aren’t going to use their expertise and training to advance the discussion?

An insightful and important piece by Jay Rosen that makes my point with much more detail:

And to huff their own farts and feel important. Notice that major newspapers like the Times and Post only started calling out Trump on his lies after he made their reporters look like idiots at that birther press conference.

This is an important point. The Republican Party and conservatives have been laying the groundwork for media acceptance of Trump lies for a very long time.