My office has communal dishwashing supplies. I’ll use the dish soap, but I refuse to touch the sponge or dish cloths. I think the office services people use them to clean the coffee pots, but I try not to think about that when I get my morning brew.
My office has communal dishwashing supplies. I’ll use the dish soap, but I refuse to touch the sponge or dish cloths. I think the office services people use them to clean the coffee pots, but I try not to think about that when I get my morning brew.
Unfortunately, a lot of political reporters agree with him. That’s why they refuse to say Trump was lying or that his wife plagiarized her speech. And they’ll describe every conflict between the candidates as a he said/she said exchange without explaining whether one of them is being deceptive.
Then what’s the point of a debate moderator? They might as well just have a timer instead of a human up there. The candidates can be given the questions by a prerecorded tape and then have at it.
A lot of people fail to recognize that the slippery slope is a fallacy, not a reason to quit trying to make difficult choices.
You have a good point, but this is the fallout of the Peter Thiel lawsuits that a lot of people (including self-identified Deadspin fans) were cheering on. Instead of being confined to Gawker, the media and politics coverage is being spread between The Concourse and The Slot.
Oh I never use the office sponges. They are germ magnets and aren’t replaced very often. I just clean everything with my hands and dry it with paper towels.
Yep. Or at least wash communal mugs and flatwear, etc. in hot water and soap before using ‘em.
I see flavor country right there. Good work, sailor.
Generally speaking, Trump is not wrong about Dowd. She does have a penchant for writing political fan fic based mostly on her inexpert psychological analysis of people she has never met.
Strawman. I never said plagiarism is something that should be punishable by law or a crime requiring “due process”.
Yeah, money = control and power. There are always strings attached to monetary gifts, like dependence, which distorts relationships. There’s no such thing as a truly free ride.
NPR’s defense was bullshit. It makes no sense at all to judge plagiarism by intention since by that definition, the only way you could ever determine if something were plagiarism is if the plagiarist signed a statement saying they had plagiarized.
He’s going to sue the Electoral College too.
Maybe a Daytime Emmy? The writing is sort of hackneyed and the villain character is unbelievably, cartoonishly evil. I just don’t buy that this guy could be a credible Republican presidential nominee.
What are you talking about? The political press is adding a lot of value to the national conversation about the election! Just look at this fine piece of reporting from Politico:
And it only took 522 days!
Give money to Democrats (, register friends and family who aren’t registered, sign up to volunteer to knock on doors and phone bank:
That birther lie was something Berners have been repeating all year too. It’s not surprising Clinton has such high unfavorable numbers given the fact that she’s been attacked relentless by the right, far left, and press since she announced her candidacy.
One of the people who introduced Trump at this sham of a press conference is a prominent birther, so yeah, this was just a big ol’ wink to his white supremacist fans: