Lesbian She-Gal

“No one sells chewing gum and band-aids like Duane Reade sells chewing gum and band-aids”

Breastfeeding isn’t sexual, either. However, when our neighbor’s daughter (6 years old) walked out of her bedroom to tug on her mom’s shirt and say “Milkies, mommy! Milkies!” I think it was reasonable for my mom to feel a little creeped out.

I used to kiss my dad goodnight when I was a little kid, but we’re talking < 1 second and < 10 years old. Lingering kisses when you’re entering adolescence does seem a little odd.

I bought the E6 in late 2016 and would say the soundbar isn’t worth the extra money. Get the B/C and use a normal mini-stereo or home theater system for your sound. Cheaper, better, and more versatile.

I bought the E6 in late 2016 and would say the soundbar isn’t worth the extra money. Get the B/C and use a normal

“dangerous and unprofessional” we are talking about the Cold War here, in which sparks from the friction between U.S. and Russia could ignite the flames of an apocalyptic third World War which would end, or at least ruin the quality of, all human life on the planet.

I’ve been around wild / feral cats, dogs, horses, dogs, and pigs. Of those, the wild pigs were by far the filthiest and stinkiest. They wallow in shit, eat almost anything (including rotten carrion), and are typically covered in muddy shit so that you can smell them from a pretty far off. They are filthy animals in

Do we drink dog milk?

Being for immigration / citizenship documents should be unlawful unless you’re at a customs / immigration checkpoint or the subject of an immigration investigation, the same as being asked for your personal identification documents should be unlawful unless you’re being detained for a civil citation / criminal

Exactly. I was about to post the same thing - calling the Black Sea ‘International Waters’ and getting indignant over being buzzed would be like Russia calling the Gulf of Mexico ‘International Waters’ and getting indignant if we buzzed their spy plane off the coast of Cuba.

If I understand correctly, Stop and Frisk was objectively shown to be racist in nature (example of the former), and over the last 5 or so years, the number of ‘stops’ has fallen by about 95%, especially after a federal court case in which it was ruled that the NYPD had to put a more objective policy in writing

people are irrational and searching for any type of connection

Both involve humans, thus both are sports?

By this logic, classical piano performance and competitive PC strategy gaming are analogous, as they both involve dexterity, skill, and practice. Is the Van Cliburn piano competition actually a sporting event?

Soccer may be a bit of an exception in that much of the fan base can / does play soccer. All you have to do is look around at your local sports bar / sporting event to know that the majority of the basketball, football, or baseball fans cheering do not actually play the sport they’re watching.

I think the difference is that Overwatch is a game that you actually play. The pro league is one that you, with practice / dedication / luck, could join. This is the case for most of esports pros and their audience. While it’s cool that you have a better understanding of sports fans now, it’s still a bit different

There is a subjective, emotional way to approach this (skin color) and an objective, rational way to approach this (legal restrictions on the jurisdiction of ICE / border patrol). All parties involved would do well to stick to the latter if we want to see positive change.

I can see a bus being checked if it’s crossing national boundaries (US / Canada or US / Mexico). But a domestic bus going between two cities (in this case, Orlando —> Miami) far from any border with another country? That’s some fascist shit right there.

I had to call 911 to help me with a suicidal family member. Instead of taking the family member to the hospital, the cops showed up and made me sit in one place while a) one cop emptied out all my drawers and trash cans onto the ground and b) the other one made insulting, lewd remarks to the suicidal family member.

So if the tables were turned —> he told her about his wife and children at home who thought he was stuck late at a business meeting —> she commented that he was sort of a shitty husband / father —> he punched her in the mouth and she lost her tooth, you’d be Team Scumbag?

I’m from Central FL, but I live in Australia now, and one of the first differences that struck me was the city design. The parking lots are smaller (or nonexistent), there is way more parallel parking, and the retail spaces are often the ground floor of buildings that have several floors of residential space above the