Lesbian She-Gal

As soon as a ton of liberals (including myself) stop watching CNN because of its incredibly obvious bias, you know the problem isn’t simply confined to whether or not they’re being too timid about Trump. There are already plenty of competing ‘lefty’ news websites and blogs.

Choosing BBC as an alternative to US-centric news is like choosing pork as an alternative to eating meat.

Is your name a reference to “hump the fridge” Gene?

It’s pretty subjective. A pyramid scheme is designed exclusively to extract your money. Signup fees, training costs, supplemental materials, etc. are all hallmarks of pyramid schemes. MLM is, in theory, focused on moving product. You as the seller actually receive product, and can (in theory) make a profit. Even the

The good thing about pyramid schemes —

YESSS! I was wondering if I’d have to ask “what about Delicata?” in the comments. Then i got to the end and saw my favorite is your favorite too

I’d classify any magazine-fed weapon capable of semiautomatic fire - including handguns - as an “assault weapon” and then I’d ban “assault weapons”. You want semiautomatic, get a tube-fed. You want a magazine, get a bolt-action. You can still ‘bear arms’ - you’re just going to find it a little less convenient to go on

Practice ‘home defense’ with a truck full of ANFO, then. You don’t need an M-16 with select fire, nor do you need a semiautomatic AR-15. Your semantics argument is as insensitive as it is irrelevant to the matter at hand.

Don’t be that guy. No one except assault rifle nuts believes that a weapon has to be fully automatic to be considered an assault weapon. If you want to argue semantics, that’s fine, but know that everyone (rightly) considers you to be a huge dickhead.

The assault rifle people are claiming that they need to be able to defend themselves from 12+ simultaneous home invaders, all wearing body armor. That’s not home defense, that’s going full Tony Montana on a SWAT team. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills - I can’t be the only person who feels that AR-15s and AK-47s are

The 2nd amendment doesn’t say anything about assault rifles and no one who wrote the Constitution could have imagined that civilians would ever have access to anything like them. Having a musket at home to help defend your community is a far cry from rolling around with an AR-15 and some high-capacity magazines.

I’m pretty liberal-leaning myself, just not registered as a Democrat. I don’t think it’s so much a Dem mindset... or if it is, a special subset of them. The “you’re racist, white tears” argument is an auto-win on most Kinja comment threads, though. You could be having a talk about whether or not self-driving cars will

About ten years ago I walked into a Walmart late at night to get some food or something. I went in the garden entrance since parking was better, and had to walk by the sporting goods section. In the gun case I saw they had an AR-15 and had this sudden strong feeling, like, “Welp, we’re fucked. America’s toast.”

Mental health... AND gun control. I think... I think maybe we can work on addressing both issues, and not pretend we have to pick one or the other?

If you’re going to gamble on people voting for the‘lesser of two evils’ then you had better be damn sure your candidate / campaign is seen as the lesser of two evils by the most voters. HIllary’s wasn’t, at least not in the states most significant to the election.

Bingo. It’s a deliberate misinterpretation and then a lot of journalistic gymnastics to try and get other people to share a misplaced sense of outrage... but I can’t understand why. They were beating this drum last week, but appear to have posted another article on it now, for some reason.

Manitos is some kind of combo of petty / childish / crazy. Who screenshots, dismisses, and then pastes convos into their own comments? Insane. Can you even imagine the passive-aggressive kind of crap that person must pull at their workplace?

People tend to dismiss it as “oh, you probably just drank too much” but it’s not like that. There’s a big difference between having 12 drinks and not remembering portions of your night, and having 3 drinks and suddenly being unable to move or talk.

Being mature or not has no bearing on your decision to drug and/or rape someone.

I’m 5'10" and just starting dating a 5' girl. It’s awesome, I get free extra leftovers every time we go out to dinner because she can only finish about 1/2 of her food.