Has it escaped your notice that your cult leader has done a lot of damage to his reputation with regard to reproductive rights issues lately? Or are we still calling that “identity politics”?
Has it escaped your notice that your cult leader has done a lot of damage to his reputation with regard to reproductive rights issues lately? Or are we still calling that “identity politics”?
Oh, a gif.
Nearly every comment I read from you on this subject contains elements of misogyny and ageism. You suck.
Trust me when I say it gives no one (who supported her) any pleasure to say this. It’s not why we voted for or supported her - but it (sexism) sure as hell is the reason why a lot did NOT. And I surmise that’s a big part of the issue.
There was a seemingly inexhaustible supply of Bernie bros who made it clear they’d vote for Trump before ANY woman so let’s not pretend there wasn’t any sexism in play.
Literally nobody is making the argument that it was her turn. How are you not getting this? Or are you purposefully misconstruing people’s reasons for supporting her as boiling down to “it’s her turn” because that seems to be your agenda here? If you want to argue that Bernie supporters “get” to prefer Bernie for…
I was initially kind of sad at the thought that Hillary Clinton was going to be our first female president. I became a STRONG Hillary supporter at the end because I saw how she powered through all those subtle sexist attacks and still had the integrity to give reproductive rights her unqualified support, even though…
I started out as a Sanders supporter and switched to Hillary based on how Bernie ran his campaign. Partly because I am fucking INCENSED at the fact that people can both say that Hillary was not trustworthy and that there is no sexism involved in her loss.
I like the way it reads like you didn’t read my comment and are just pulling responses out of nowhere. So, have a good one.
Or, apparently, because they have 40 years of solid public service/policy experience and a really amazing platform with plans to fix most problems in the country. That doesn’t pay off either.
We were absolutely not allowed to be thrilled at the possibility of a female president. Any mention of it and we were just voting with our vaginas.
Not black women. We know how white woman roll as a group.
I know. How fucking dare the most qualified candidate run. And how fucking dare her colleagues think that now isn’t the best time to run. And how dare women get excited that this is first chance that they could actually have a president that is a woman after centuries of men, especially when countries that we see as…
And she wasn’t the inevitable candidate, there were several people who ran against her in the primary and she beat them all. We tend to forget that because most of the other Democratic primary candidates were, well, forgettable.
But...that’s not really why a lot of people voted for her? I think it’s so sexist that people keep pushing this. I voted for her because she had such a long and successful career and had a lot of the same values I did. Abortion access and gun control are two of my biggest issues for example and she has a strong…
That will never, ever happen.
Maybe now police / people will start taking domestic violence and stalking as serious as other crimes. The people who commit these acts are violent and dangerous.
Men are so smart and rational and not emotional at all and that is why they are in charge of everything because ladies are too crazy because of periods and emotions. A man would never do anything crazy for attention or to be spiteful, only women do stuff like that.
Good riddance.