Flames Suspenders

Funny how the holier-than-thou white men of the av club seem totally clueless about the numerous and well documented instances of McDonald being a misogynistic, homophobic piece of shit. For years! Although this place certainly has a history of ignoring women and minority voices when it has a hard on for a mediorce,

But on the upside, I don’t think anybody will be surprised that Conan showed strength and integrity in this situation and stood up for his friend.

Who knew that a TV executive would be of such poor moral character? I for one, am shocked.

The courts always been political (and has pretty much always denied it). Also historically it’s usually been fairly conservative, not this conservative, but more so than the Warren (I think) era court through the 80's or so.

1. Azithromycin, or Z-Pak as its much more fun to say brand name, is typically used for respiratory infections. I know this because I’m in health care and I had an upper respiratory two Februraries in a row with the 2nd being during the 1st COVID outbreak. I was scared shitless because I’m up all night coughing

I dunno, saying that the Supreme Court isn’t political is pretty damn ignorant in my opinion.

I hate that I routinely feel compelled to rally this defense, but it is a tired and frankly racist trope built around his idiosyncratic silence during oral arguments; Thomas has written copious opinions and has firmly established himself as an evil intellect in his own right.

You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions.”

How much you wanna bet Laura Loomer knows how it feels when you eat bad fajitas because she doesn’t know how to properly cook chicken?

The vaccines are poison (all of them evidently) but horse de-wormer is A-OK. How do these people manage to tie their shoes?

The United States’ medal count.  And, given how important that was to this nation, especially going back to the Cold War, I’d say it’s protecting Nassar, etc.

Don’t feel sorry for a loser who brings a knife to a gun fight masquerading as a state.

and black people wearing plain clothes, unmasked, with not a weapon in hand have been.... never mind...

No kneeling on his neck for 10 minutes? Darn.

The problem was he was carrying a knife.  He’s in Texas.  Would have been fine if it were a gun.

As someone who works in a government office that exists entirely of white women, I can promise that white women looooove perpetuating the same systems as long as they personally don’t feel victimized. 

Foooook. I just do NOT trust walking casserole Amy Klobuchar AT ALL, and cannot quite put my finger on it. I feel like she is the dems answer to Susan Collins and I just cannot abide by such milquetoast politics. 

So, was the FBI actually protecting Nassar (why???), or did they simply not give a shit about dozens of underage girls being sexually assaulted?

Their body language in the photo above really speaks volumes. They all have their hands and arms clasped in front of their bodies. Feeling unsafe, anxious, and tense. These women have been through enough. 

I was about to argue that we need women in places of power, such as the FBI, but then I realized we’d end up with Tina Tchen, Roberta Kaplan, Lisa Bloom, Amy Klobuchar, Sophia Amoruso or Mandy Grunwald types.