Flames Suspenders

Sir, I'll have you know, they not half-idiots. They are very full idiots! Dare I say complete morons.

Yeah. I’m afraid he didn’t have the courage of his convictions, and so when it came to taking action rather than kumbayaing, ended up listening to the more foolhardy and/or genocidal of his company. (Still his responsibility for picking them and listening to what they said, of course.)

Comments pending: Yes... China needs to be kicked out of Africa. But, the G7 sanctions is crushing parts of Africa.

He was less effective as a president in general too. He failed to effectively implement a number of things he tried seemingly too, obviously hired and used his family in positions that are generally seen as being off limits to family. Etc.

George W. Bush’s attempted rebrand from aLlEgEd war criminal to respectable model of Republican leadership continues unabated.”

George W. Bush Is Lying


Everytime I see an image of Platt in a commercial, this is what I think of.

Someone still needs to inform Zack Snyder that the moment is over, though

Lazlo’s arc will probably center around how he doesn’t want to be on the council while Nadja does.

If you’re going to watch Twilight, do it with Rifftrax.

Even outside of the pandemic I feel like the average person does not properly attend to their preventative health. I have many friends/family members in their 20s, 30s, and 40s who giggle at me like I’m an anxious nerd when I mention that I have a physical and labs done annually. All of these friends/family members

Yeah I’ve always strongly suspected that the reason The Princess Bride has done so well is because they framed the entire story from a male POV. Grandpa reading the story to his grandson. Men and boys would not have watched it if it had opened on Buttercup and Wesley’s story.

What, a guy can’t travel?

Great movie. My sister quotes this one at me all the time. I don’t mind.

Underscored so well by the fact that the favored daughter gets to be a peacock for the ball and Jacqueline is forced to be a horse (with a costume that nearly covers her entire face). But then, wow, is she swoon-worthy at the ball. 

I was very, very fortunate that when I re-enrolled at the VA earlier this year, the PCP I was assigned referred me for a mammogram, and they actually were able to do it on site. It was clear, and now there’s a baseline.