Flames Suspenders

Sadly, this is 100% textbook behavior of what recovery therapists refer to as “flight to health”. The grandiloquent epiphanies, entering a serious romantic/sexual relationship, the recovering addict impregnates their the partner, and the addict elevating the partner to savior status are all enormous, post-active addict

So they still can order online or no? Confusing, to me at least.

“This prospect is infuriating to abortion opponents because it is something they can’t control.”

Ugh, yes. Still LIVID about that.

You would be shocked by how many people (especially younger people) don’t know about medicated abortions. If there were an ad campaign to raise awareness (esp on social media platforms), I would donate to it.

It’s worse. There are a lot of women who will gladly submit, be raped, grabbed in the pussy, etc., because they believe God created them for just that end.

No it’s not, because they don’t believe in any right to privacy at all.

The Supreme Court allowed this law to go into effect, even over and above any belief that injury could be caused by doing so even if they eventually revisit it later.

This is a decade or so old now, but I continue to be haunted by this BBC report on child death in the U.S., which zeroed in on Texas as a state with shocking rates of child death due to abuse. In large part, it’s because social services are woefully inadequate.

Fortunately it will be easier and safer if they can get the pills 

This is passive aggressive bullshit on the part of the Christo Fascists on the bench.  The law is unconstitutional, full stop, because of RvW.  But rather than addressing the issue, letting it be discussed, and potentially overturning RvW they are doing this chicken shit tap dance and acting like it will just go away 

Women need to stop VOTING for republicans 

This is horrifying and infuriating and smacks of both Nazi Germany and the USSR. People keep saying Roe has been overturned. It hasn’t. Its been IGNORED. The law is unconstitutional just like all the other ‘heart beat’ laws which have been overturned. And that passive aggressive bs on the part of the christo fascists

So what is Texas’s plan for all the unwanted children it will have to deal with? I’m guessing they aren’t building orphanages.

Do something about it, then.

This is just part of the system to keep the poor people poor and the rich people rich.  Kids are expensive and having them at the wrong time will make sure you stay poor.  This isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.

Women need to stop fucking republicans. The moderate ones, the ones who believe women have a right to choose but still date and fuck republican scum against their own rights and self interests. I know some of these women that do this. It’s mind blowing.

But Hilary just didn’t INSPIRE me. 

As someone who grew up somewhat financially insecure - never heard a worry about losing the house or anything, but definitely remember some bills not being paid on time - the fact that someone who doesn’t have enough money to leave a state could POSSIBLY be expected to raise a fucking child is a terrifying indictment

Looks like backstreet abortions will be coming back, for women who can’t afford to drive or fly to where abortions are still legal.