Nothing concerning Ben Affleck is a harbinger of better times. Nothing.
Nothing concerning Ben Affleck is a harbinger of better times. Nothing.
what in the actual f***
LOLOLOL Ben is garbage. I hope she's just fucking him and that's it because he ain't boyfriend material, Jenny!!! Lord no.
Also, Jennifer Garner was his level up. He achieved way more commercial and critical success, and even lowered his douche rating while he was with her. He is really a man with tacky addict asshole demons he needs help reigning in.
maybe they are just friends with Bennierfits.
Seems more likely that it’s yet another indicator of how quickly we’re regressing as a society.
This is a bad, terrible, no good idea. Ben Affleck is a self destructive man who wore out the patience of even saint Jennifer Garner. It will burn hot and flame out when the reality of holding up a man through life hits.
After all, the person Gun Totin’ Mama is most likely to need to protect herself from is her husband or boyfriend, and thus also an NRA member.
Or the 11 year old whose dad gave him an uzi and he blew his own head off. A kid as young as the girl in that picture absolutely should not have a gun. Not even a BB gun.
Remember that video of the gun nuts putting a powerful gun in a little girl’s hands and then she accidentally blew her trainer’s head off because she couldn’t control it, a nightmare she’ll have to live with until the day she died?
I met a couple Iranians who were proud that Persians were considered Aryan by the Nazis.
The point is that there exist laws that prohibit this kind of behavior, and they are not being used to prosecute violators. What makes anyone think that a shiny new law will work any differently? California had exactly the same laws on the books when BBQ Becky pitched her fit. They passed new a new law. Not one person…
Possible. it’s also very possible she’s a right-wing conservative nutjob.
I dislike Dr. Drew, too, but I don’t understand why people blame him for the deaths of the Celebrity Rehab participants. Junkies die. Rehab just provides people with a tool to manage addiction. It’s not a cure.
I’d forgotten she was on “Celebrity Rehab,” so let me take this opportunity to say: F*** you, Dr. Drew. For someone poo-pooing the danger of COVID, you have an even higher fatality rate.
It is not technically an affirmative defense. He would have to plead (or be tried) under a guilty but insane theory. The end result being that he gets locked up in a mental health facility where he can’t bond with his white supremacist cell mates. On average persons convicted under a guilty but insane theory end up…
And yet...they will keep watching FOX and voting for Trump or people like him.
These people are probably screaming “it’s a personal choice!” when asked about vaccination, but in this, apparently, they are more suggestible than a well trained puppy.
(Copeland continued interrupting the proceeding over the next several hours, and the judge eventually ordered a competency hearing).