Flames Suspenders

Check out the Parler quotations which Amazon presented for why they cut ties with that cesspool: there were seditionists who thought that Pence’s only reason for refusing Trump’s request was that he “couldn’t delay the vote.” So, when the confirmation vote was delayed due to a violent lockdown, the MAGAidiots thought

Well, now a black lady’s in charge of the Capitol police, so they might have a fighting chance.

Sure hope each and every one of those traitorous cops will forever picture the faces of the officer who was bludgeoned by a fire hydrant and the officer who committed suicide each and every night before they go to sleep. I hope and pray they never find peace again!

That was a surprising image (of the guy with the gun) when you first see it.

A other hilarious consequence of this flailing is that now all his RWNJ followers and family have suddenly become social Justice warriors! They’re complaining that Twitter still allows human rights abusers and Chinese censorship.

... if they weren’t white.

Both are characters you don’t want to go on vacation with.

If it had been a white lady tackled by a black man, he would have gotten at least 20 years in prison.

Maybe they should just think of it as a “populist,” and “anti-establishment,” who “tells it like it is,” and will “drain the lymphatic system?”

Yeah, she insinuated that the protesters are just making too big of a deal about “a piece of stone,” but then suggests that moving it would “change” her community. Well, which is it, Karen?!?

Well, he could do it the same way that the for-profit medical boards did it: they grandfathered in the older folks and put the burden on the youth in terms of milking newly-graduated doctors for tens of thousands of dollars.

Which one?

night-shift ballet dancers throughout the Houston metropolitan area”

“I realize it’s hard for many people to accept that 1. Martin is not a psychopath”

Hmm...guess you’re right...it can’t hurt to include a print-out of this story in a Christmas card telling her that, in lieu of physical gifts, we’ve donated to Southern Poverty Law Center https://www.splcenter.org/ in her name. ;)

Not to mention that recent edition devoted almost entirely to tacos!!

The definition of herd immunity involves the word “vaccination.” But also, that “science” advisor needs to go back to school & learn the definition of the word “science” too.

Well, yes, it would be offensive to say that a black man wouldn’t intervene to save his brother’s life... & also incredibly stupid to say such a thing on theroot.com.