Flames Suspenders

Look, I’m sure her racism is a baseline function, but just for the sake of “getting the crazy white bitch out of the neighborhood,” it might be beneficial to call Adult Protective Services for a welfare check on cranky mcKaren, because she clearly can’t maintain her safety, or the safety of those around her. She might

Hey!! I respectfully request that you leave Matlock out of this narrative.

the woman and her son were last seen loading their belongings into a U-Haul trailer and leaving Loreauville.”

Wow, a leader who is humble and recognizes the power of empathy. And he uses complete sentences, with real words... I’m on the verge of tears!

Well, “informed consent,” right? It would be wonderful if these covidiots could reveal the inherit flaws of EMTALA and informed consent.

Also true, and a shame, because I know several ethical and intelligent pediatricians who would never commit a hate crime.

This is True. I guess I’m nervous about another “Smollett” accusation from the side that is currently courting convicted sex offenders as “material witnesses” for their mass delusion that the election was “stolen.”

Honestly, a counter-protester at one of these hate rallies would be in a very dangerous position. DC has strict gun laws (which I’m surprised were followed), but there’s bound to be gunfire and more bloodshed at the next klan rallies.

True, and yet, the hospital still has to follow medical and ethical guidelines.

There are already some Baby Blowhards waiting in the wings. We’re not done with them.

Yeah, it would be within his grift to say he got it just to convince the rest of the world he’s strong.

Just for the sake of avoiding sounding like the right-wing nut jobs who make EVERYTHING into a “racial thing” (while denying they’re racists), I was ready to delay full judgement until more evidence was collected.

first time an innocent person was exonerated of murder in Nashville,” but definitely not the first time an innocent person went to prison.

Keep hoping his blood pressure is sky high!

I bet his coworkers spray Lysol & Febreeze every time he exited a room.

Where is the lie? (Speaking as a Texan).

They’re throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. If they can claim ONE one case, they can spin it and lie with sound bites about “we one a case” (that had nothing to do with proving voter fraud) all over the far-right “news.”

Sunlight is a powerful disinfectant!

Another “Every legal vote” dog whistle, huh?

Same here! Haven’t seen my asshole in-laws (except briefly, when they refused to wear a mask), in almost a year!