
I know this is a joke, but it just perpetuates stigma to say things like “no one wants your blisters mister.”

Also super rampant everywhere with everyone. They are super common.

Not to victim blame, but it takes two people to make a decision to have unprotected sex with a stranger. WHO HAS STI SYMPTOMS THAT YOU CAN SEE. He definitely should have disclosed if he has an STI, but she needs to take some responsibility here too.


I used to a big a Modcloth fan, but their sizing and quality is so inconsistent that it wasn’t even worth it for me anymore. Plus, no petites. I recently went to their in-person retail location in Austin. I could write a novel on how terrible that business model is. I would love to see Modcloth get better. I like

I thought I was getting recurring UTI’s but it was actually interstitial cystitis. My new Dr was like, wait why are we continuing to prescribe you antibiotics you don’t need?? I started taking a daily cranberry supplement (especially when I feel some irritation coming on) and drinking lots of water and I haven’t

I’ve met some really lovely people on OKCupid. I think it helps that people who care fill out a decent amount of info and answer a bunch of questions, so it’s easier to filter down to the people you have more in common with and are looking for the same things. I actually ended up in a poly relationship from there,

Yes! My gyno, who had refused to give me an IUD, told me I was “high risk” for STI’s because I was not in a monogamous relationship. Mind you, I use condoms 100% of the time and get tested regularly. It was very judgmental. Especially considering those in monogamous commitments who don’t use condoms still have to

Yes! My first few periods were heavier and longer, but I’m on my 6th cycle since insertion and mine are pretty much back to normal at this point.

It’s hard to describe, but to me it felt like a bad cramp- just in a different place than usual. The nurse did a great job of distracting me, but when it was inserted I let out an OWWWWWW and then it was over. (I was SUPER nervous about insertion, it had held me back from getting one sooner.)

I’m a HUGE BABY about pain and I did totally fine. It felt like a bad period cramp for me and it was VERY short lived.

The nurse at PP told me it didn’t matter.

I finally got my Paragard this year! I LOVE IT. The insertion was painful but later that day, I felt totally fine. I even went out that night. My first couple periods were heavier and longer, but that’s already subsided. It felt very empowering to take control of my reproductive future. I had gone off the pill

I treat picture requests as a big, creepy, red flag. I don’t meet up with anyone who does that.

Recent IUD convert here! Today is my one month anniversary with my Paragard. I did like a YEAR of research and asking questions before I finally did it. I was really worked up about insertion, but my Doctor told me the more worked up I am- the more it’s going to hurt. I tried my best to stay zen. In the end, the pain

I love my godforsaken city.

I live in a studio apartment with a cat and a dog. The cat doesn’t want to get involved. He finds somewhere else to hang out. The dog? He tries to get in the middle and get attention from the guy. He has to be immediately locked in his crate when sexy times are going down. My needy, needy Boston Terrier.

Hmm.. last week I got dumped with a multi paragraph email. I would have prefered a one liner tbh. Although that means I get a bigger cake, right?

I cannot explain why, but I am solidly Team Peter. I have no idea who I am anymore.

Does this bullet point bother anyone else?