
There is no way I'm letting fire get close to my crotch.

I wonder how much longer we have to wait before we get the option to post into G+ as well? Does Google need to release the API for that to happen?

I was temp-banned for using the "But can it run Crysis?" joke sometime ago... =/

I've been there twice, and I wasn't offered anything but tours. As usual, I guess it depends on what part of town you're going through.

I see your point, but I think it still kinda boils down to "it's the person who's good or evil". IMHO, a book about "How to Murder" isn't necessarily an evil or good thing, it doesn't have to promote or glorify anything, it's just a "How to" or an "artistic depiction". For instance, I could've written a book on CPR,

Isn't that just finger pointing? I would never feel guilty because some guy became a serial killer, and blamed it on a book or game I made. The reasons why he murdered are most likely because he's a f'ed up guy, with a f'ed up childhood or what not, who used my book as an excuse to do what he was already planning to

They are works of fiction, the smart Christians should, by no means, be offended or consider themselves "blasphemous". It's not like they're attending another religion's church.

It makes just as much sense that there would be a Christian GDC as there could be a LGBT GDC or a Latino GDC. There are thousands of "groups" that are commonly "alienated" by other groups. IT'S IN THE SOUL NATURE OF MAKING FREAKING GROUPS. Don't blame the industry for segregating people - it's society as a whole who

Getting together with 3 other friends and duking it out old school in New Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Country Returns (wish you could jump in with 2 more players...), and now Kirby Wii... this is what I like the most out of the Wii. The only other similar experience I've had with the other consoles is Castle

Are those Wiis with the red face-plates dev units?

She's certainly only mildly attractive, but I'd have to say, I find her VERY charming.

I just realized... all the games I've bought/want for the 3DS are remakes or slightly-updated rereleases. Ocarina, Star Fox, Tales of the Abyss, heck, even Devil Survivor.

Don't worry about it, I'll take it off your hands.

Both. It's preferrable to play with some sort of strategy, but most people tend to know what to pick and what role to take just by looking at the already chosen clases on the server... most of the time anyway. Some just pick whatever they feel like playing and go with that. I find that a lot of people don't take it

There IS a Z-Targeting right? And if there is, why are you not using it. T_T

Why... won't... you... RUN!?!? IT'S KILLING ME!! T_T

It's somewhat hard to see any difference, there are no close shots of him as far as I can see...

I still hate, and will always hate the fact that the new "Dante" is basically the producer of the game in videogame form, with his same stupid hair and all. It's like watching a very, very bad fanfic come into reality.

There were 3? What are you talking about, I just remember two of them - Devil May Cry, and Devil May Cry 3...

Ok... so where' the backwards version? :D