
That is precisely what's happening.

Majora's Mask is easily my favorite game of all time. Never before has their been a Zelda game so different, so dynamic, so damn alive. It dares go to every extreme of the emotional espectrum, having such beautiful stories as the Anju and Kafei sidequest, to the falling of the moon on earth apocalypse, and taking on

Is that Goku or Gohan?? That figure is freaking awesome, where can I buy it??


It's a little bit of a shame, considering the amount of good work put into this. The drawings are pretty sweet too.

Popularity does not equal a better product. Though in this case, even if AlertPay was better than Paypal, it is certainly not more convenient to use since it's not widely supported.

I can see people getting mad over at Giz for posting a mostly unrelated article, but really, the reason why everybody's overreacting is because it's a tragic story? We live in a fucked up world with fucked up people, learn to live with it and don't turn a blind eye on it. Stories like this are over at Kotaku all the

The producers, considering that is mostly were they will recover all of their revenue and make the big bucks. That's why most movies tend to focus on the mainstream.

I agree about "most" mainstream music, but Call of Duty is still a good game. In fact, I feel MW2's been the pinacle of the franchise.

Why does it matter if something is "mainstream"? I've never understood that.

Keeping my 3DS on the one place where I put all my weight seems like a big accident waiting to happen...

I tried explaining that to my Farmville-addicted friend. It was pointless...

...But you're still coming back right?

Not everyone goes through the same thought patterns. Consider yourself "lucky" for not being the "I'd get addicted to Farmville" type, but I wouldn't go as far as to say it makes you "smarter", just different when it comes to this.

Questions I would like to see answered:

It can't make you a "better gamer" when everyone else will have the same advantage/handicap. It does give you a slightly "bigger" screen though, which is really nice.

I've been trying to figure out as well, to no avail. Does it give you coins or something?

You're a hell of a writer kid. Certainly proof that not all teenagers are idiots, and that age doesn't always have to matter. Keep it up!

This is a pretty stupid idea. Blind people wouldn't have an iPhone, without tactile feedback it'd be pretty freaking hard to navigate around.

Only if you're not fast enough. And they're anything but boring.