Identical Twin Brother

I don’t think anyone is under the impression that these nutjobs represent the majority of R&M fans.

Whether or not you’re being sardonic, I see no harm in discussion if it’s under the pretense that people can defend their favorite moments/episodes/seasons freely and without the expectation to conform others into your school of thought.

Can’t we just appreciate what we got? Season 3 was season 3. It ended on Sunday. When you’re constantly looking for the fifth leg of the cat, you’ll constantly be disappointed it only has four.

I thought this was the best season. In fact, I think the show has gotten better each year.

Not even millennials. I’m at the border of millennials and I just finished my Bachelor’s. I guess this is for tweens and young teens (Generation Z?). It seems like pop culture is evolving too fast for MTV execs to keep up, though I’m not entirely sure what it is “the kids” are into. Fidget spinners? Can they make a

Wait... really?

I hate to be that guy, but why the B grade? I was fascinated by the choices these two trans women made in their lives, and the connection to God. I also think it’s worth noting that Davina’s “deal” was much more brutal, and I think there is something to say about Davina’s compromises stemming from her presentation as

Maybe it’s just me but I’m content with the season at this point. Then again, I’m not as concerned with the narrative progression in this particular show (I did not “love” seasons 1 and 2 like most people). What keeps me watching is the way these characters keep falling on their faces, the interesting and nuanced

It was there yesterday. Not sure where it disappeared to.

After The Leftovers, I am willing to follow Damon Lindelof until the end of the world, even if that day never comes.

So after starring for years in one of the best comedies of its time, this SNL alum has decided her next project will be to produce a new sitcom on Netflix.

Honestly, and this was roughly a year ago, but I remember cracking the fuck up at Atlanta. It was as affecting as any auteur half-hour dramedy, but it had some outrageous jokes considering whatever Darius was up to, and surreal gags like invisible cars, at least once each episode. That show was everything it wanted to

Another symptom of living in a liberal academic elitist bubble, I suppose. Oh, well, it’s warm and fuzzy in here.

I’m a young fan of television so excuse my probable naivete when I say it’s the greatest crime the Emmy’s has committed.

Not only did they address it, but it led to one of the most fun scenes of 2017, soundtracked to “Protect Ya Neck”.

Some might say it was supposed to happen this way!

Parents need to keep their internets in the cookie jar and out of reach of their children. No internet until you eat your veggies!

I’ve seen so many people rally behind Carrey and lambaste the reporter and it makes me uncomfortable. Firstly, even though Carrey might be making some interesting points about idol worship and considering the big picture, he was not interested in having a legitimate conversation with Sadler, who is just trying to do

He said he identifies with Libertarians, he disagrees with trickle-down economics, he doesn’t think Hillary’s emails were a big deal, he is a Fox News skeptic, and towards the end he seemed to suggest, to placate Maher, that he did not vote for Trump. I see that I can be wrong and I might be projecting, however.

Based on his comments, it sounded like Bone voted for either Hillary or Johnson. More importantly, while I understand what Maher was trying to do, Bone is a well-spoken, contemplative voter, i.e. not your typical undecided, and Maher really should have done his homework before inviting a retired meme, to make a point