I keep forgetting she was the titular Mother on How I Met Your Mother. Really hope this can be a breakout role for her.
I keep forgetting she was the titular Mother on How I Met Your Mother. Really hope this can be a breakout role for her.
I think the “I can’t keep waking up here,” Sarah tells Nyles, late in the film when the claustrophobia of a reality that’s nearly impossible to change has fully set in. is more about being faced every morning with the reminder of the shitty thing she had done the night before the wedding, and was more of a contrast…
It would be real awesome if I could watch, or hell even purchase this movie, Hulu. But I live in the not American market so I can’t. Alas. I might even pay what people normally pay for a month of your service!
I feel like this show should be getting way more coverage than it does it’s so good. I can’t get anyone to watch it even my friends who’ve watched other shows are in the same genre but not as good.
I would love to have the RHs talk to that husband thing of hers and explain that The Target Mossimos can afford better plastic surgery. DON’T CHEAP OUT ON YOUR ACTUAL FACE.
If that was the reasoning, the only logical thing to do would be investing the money until travel becomes possible again, either literally investing or using it as cashdown on a house or other property.
It seemed to me that Mama Sun and Hammerhead were only knocked out. I hope so, I like Hammerhead. I want to see more of her, and the actress that plays her in the Underground is great.
And what Candlemaker did in this episode was another example of how shitty Niles is. He locked Dorothy away instead of teaching her…
Robotman dressed up as a *spoiler*
I feel like custom property upgrades are often not unlike custom car upgrades (thank you, Jalopnik commentariat): unless someone knows exactly what they’re doing, they’re never worth nearly as much as the people doing them think they are, and often decrease value (see also my otherwise lovely parents’ kitchen remodel…
I love this show but its seeming lack of presence even among geek circles is sad.
You do know that things things don’t automatically reset once a new decade, or new year starts, don’t you? So even in 1981, things would appear very ‘70s.
It’s not like there was this sudden and extreme pivot when the 80s hit... some shows still looked like 70s shows in the early 80s... and who’s to say this was the first season? Maybe Cliff was dreaming in the 3rd? lol.
fever dream in which he and Vic are smooth-talking, badass detectives starring in their own 70s crime drama Steele & Stone.
Yeah, Joanna should update that. My last build was a gaming rig for my kiddo (Jan this year, $3,500 fully maxed fwiw) - longest build ever = 7 hours. First inverted build with a BeQuiet case - required a complete case disassembly, reassembly, a few start/stops getting the cooler installed on the ‘upside down’ mobo,…
5 to 10 days????? Nowadays the glorified Lego sets that are modern pc components should only take about 2 to 3 hours to plug in. It's dirt simple. I literally built one from the scraps of old computers last night in about 2.5 hours
Well, one thing she doesn’t have to worry about is ever having an orgasm in that marriage.
absolutely loved this movie. Simmons made this most of his unfortunately limited screentime, but really it was Milioti’s feature through and through, and she’s absolutely magnificent in it
Most importantly, my wife knew about it and I had permission.
It’s honeymoon money. He didn’t buy an $8,000 gaming computer.
Yeah, I went pretty much all out because I could and it was $3500. The monitors are a big part of the cost I'm sure, really nice ones can run $1k a pop (there are many that cost more, but they're too big to have any kind of 3 monitor setup)