Flame Princess, Garbage-Monger

The world isn’t ending in 50 years, but they won’t be around to see it. They’ll all die off from natural causes. They don’t give a shit about how they leave the planet or the economy for their grandkids. They’re too short sighted — they only think about the right now. And right now — the government is up in everyone’s

You need more stars for this point.

In facebook comment threads, there are plenty of people pointing out that Medicaid reimbursements are what Planned Parenthood receives, along with hospitals and doctors who do not face this “defunding” idiocy.

Though you’re correct that it seems that not enough Democratic politicians and leaders along with other

And then there’s Mississippi. I’m convinced that Conservatives want to turn the US into a giant Mississippi.

I think a large part of the problem is that people think the government funds Planned Parenthood via a bunch of grants and similar nebulous payments. And the left buys into this framing by letting them get away with calling it defunding, when in reality it’s less “defunding” and more “stop paying for services

Yeah, I suppose investigation of Hillary’s emails has drastically improved my quality of life. I ... enjoy the gif of her looking impatient. So that counts.

Well they’re investigating emails. That counts, right?

She was on a very bad show called Hollywood Exes that to my shame I watched. She adopted Gia while she was on the show, but she was seemed to very much be still reeling from the death of her son with Prince.

I never knew that they had a child that died; no one should have to go through that loss.

Can you image how stunning that baby would looked? I believe its beauty would have blinded us mere mortals.

Ok, that Prince story has somewhat tempered my Snow Day ecstasy.

If you make Mandy Patinkin cry, that means you made it in this world.  

I made my pic on FB a picture of Spicey boy looking ugly AF, and my background is the uterus giving the finger (thanks Jim :) ), it makes me happy for some reason.

Right?! I’m fat, and I need tailoring to showcase the good parts of my body, not tent shirts, damn it.

hey man, I pulled the gun on mom jeans, and they are amaze


You mean that someone with an MD is not automatically right about everything and might actually be considering outdated information in drawing a conclusion? YOU DON’T SAY

You might revisit the egg restriction with your doctor. Recent studies have shown eggs aren’t the bad guys we have been told they are.

Other advantages of eggs include ... acceptability across a wide range of cultures

Neon orange liquid the color of Tang is some sort of sinus infection. I'd thought I'd had some kind of brain hemorrhage / excessive nose bleed until I looked at the kleenex. I didn't even know that color was possible.