Flame Princess, Garbage-Monger

+1. Worst season ever.

Okay, so she was there? Our laptop was all *BUFFERING* or whatever the whole time. There are few times I wish I had cable. I'll watch the whole show on youtube later. Whatev.

Glad I'm not the only one!

In other shitty NFL juxtapositions, Katy Perry is....THE MORE YOU KNOW.

"No More" is a FUCKING LIE.

Truly. Millennials seem to think that we've hit the post racial period by now. But, really. What's so hard about going outside and offering the man a seat in case he wanted to join that party? And THEN asking him to leave (nicely) if it turned out he didn't know any of them?

Err on the side of kindness, people! >_<

LUND: But what about all the field work I did?

so with that first picture, I gotta ask, did they manage to make him pee in his sleep?

I get tired of saving this over and over again but here goes. Smallpox: killed millions of people for hundreds of years. Where is it? Gone, worldwide, because we were forced to vaccinate. Measles were on their way out until now. I'm older than Wolfson, I remember getting measles and having school mates getting

As someone who lives near the epicenter of the current measles outbreak (Disneyland), the anti-vaxxers (and there are a lot of them here) drive me insane. What kind of selfish, self-centered douchebag is willing to risk the well-being of their child and the well-being of everyone else because you're not smart enough

I've reached a point in my life where I just roll my eyes and stay quiet if I ever overhear some asshole's racist, homophobic, bigoted, etc. rant. It's not worth wasting breath or energy to argue. People have stupid opinions all the time and blasting every last person who has one is an exercise in futility.

Man I've never wanted to inject someone with smallpox SO MUCH.

I met a guy today who's been crippled (I'm not sure what the proper term is) for 60 years because of polio. He can walk, but with great difficulty. Screw this doctor.

He's doing research. HOOKER POOP STORIES.

Yeah, I'm 28 and always figured they were describing me and my kinfolk when discussing millennials.

Case in point: I was born in 1973. I am part of Generation X. My youngest sister was born in 1983. She is considered a Millenial.

This is factually wrong. Based on the actual definition of generational cohorts, "millenials" are the generation subsequent to Generation X, and are commonly defined as starting either with birth year 1982, or high school graduation year 2001, depending on the source.

I'm sorry Albert, but I've looked at this thing up and down and nowhere do I see "Don't procreate ever"