Yeah, it's the wit that gets me. They're such a well-matched couple.
Yeah, it's the wit that gets me. They're such a well-matched couple.
1) Benedick (Sense of humor, handsome, brave, smart, and totally in love).
Re: TV
When my blood sugar is low, I find it hard to speak coherently and very very hard to make decisions. I just kind of sit and feel weak, and like I'm sinking.
-1,000,000 for no mention of Reddit.
That poor girl, having her grief and her work so tied together like that. I hope she has good people around her, and that it'll help her in the end. I've never been a big Lea fan, and I've been at most a passive Glee watcher but I hope people will be kind to her even though I fear they won't.
I can just hear the big daddy.
OMG THIS IS A THING?!?!? I just thought my bum hated me and wanted to annoy me by making me have to deal with period blood and a messy bum at the same time. Ok. I'm not weird. Cool.
George: One day, you'll go to the great farm in the sky and be happy with all your fluffy friends.
What about signing up as a volunteer and getting the term "intern" as a resume booster? That's pretty much the perk you get from working at zoos and aquariums. As a biology student in college, that's how I got a ton of experience.
Unpaid internships are the classist-est bullshit of all time (okay, that might be hyperbole, but still).
That Rihanna bit is funny. Girl in mid 20s has grown out of the club scene! Shocking! Is is literally the first time this has ever happened!
And I totally believe that many many of the extremely overly sexy sexed up celebrities lead pretty normal sex lives. I think that is totally and completely ok.
I for one won't allow tears to be used against me as a weapon.
Good. Blubb about the loss of a free internet all you like, but seriously at some point you gotta ask yourself if what you're losing was worth having in the first place. I'd rather have a few more restrictions in place - that's the price we pay for a civilized society.
because wearing that shirt isn't going to magically turn you into a lustful cookie monster.