
According to reporters who saw the video, the interaction started with her, then she made it physical by shoving him, then she escalated by slapping him across the face. Then she got punched. Now go back in your mind and envision in her place was man instead of a woman. Wouldn’t everyone be saying he got what he

As an Ingress player I find the outrage over Pokemon Go locations kind of weird. I’m an Atheist-raised-Atheist yet I submitted a bunch of churches around where I lived because those were all acceptable Ingress portals and I wanted more portals closer together near where I live because that helps with levelling. The

(honestly, I don’t know what they’re called)

And in answer to your headline, yes, I’m afraid you will. It breaks my heart that a part of me is grateful that my son inherited his father’s light skin tone instead of my own.

Wade didn’t commit any acts of “self-sacrificing loyalty.” He left money on the table in exchange for rings.

I can say that $54 is more than $35 because when you add the two numbers together 9>8.

Exactly, otherwise this could be used to murder drivers. Groups of 4-5 people can jump into the middle of the road and cause cars to automatically slam into walls.

If there were enough adequate shelters or a zillion more churches, this might be possible. The gap in consideration is simple: Where do we expect these people to go? The biggest problem with the Reagan-era “reforms” wasn’t the destruction of the systems needed to support these people, it’s that the laws were also

True, but that somewhere else could be somewhere that the property owner is more accommodating, or to a shelter, or a church or somewhere with programs that could help them work to become not homeless.

Because it's not like you can tell them to go home, so if the city pays to implement measures to discourage homeless people in front of your business/residence, they will just move near somebody else's.

I have yet to see the defense that convinces me that it isn’t okay to not want homeless people to be loitering around your business. This is going to sound like I’m baiting, but I earnestly hope someone responds to this with a well-reasoned, intelligent, and rational explanation of why taking measures to keep homeless

As a resident close to this area, these rocks are WELCOMED. Anyone who decides to get on their moral high horse from the comfort of their laptops, I would strongly advise you to march down to Father Joe’s Villages there and find ONE homeless person to help.

2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because