
This is not what HDR looks like.

This is federal judges reviewing the CBA of a union. The fact that it’s pro football players and not steamfitters or teamsters or whatever is pretty much immaterial.

But it’s the UFC that gave him the stage to begin with. Who, outside of diehard fans of MMA in general, knew about Conor McGregor before the last year and a half? I like MMA, and I only knew about him because of his UFC tenure. I know I’m not a diehard, but I think I can represent at least a chunk of the MMA/UFC

That’s the Twitter equivalent of selling someone’s mom to ISIS for a Chipotle gift card.

This one’s for you, Bob W.

Pretty sure they’re all in order since Iron Man. Captain America: The First Avenger being the exception because it was set in the past.

Let’s cut the guy some slack on his day off. It’s not easy being a St. Louis policeman.

Brooklyn-based bartenders are famously unbiased and unpretentious sources for these sorts of debates.

The NBA is, and will forever be a better product than college basketball and I will fight any of you jabronis who disagrees with me.

You cynical fucks can go fuck yourselves, 60 points on 50 shots is literally the perfect ending to Kobe’s career.

yea I hear OBJ gets a lot of shit from security too

"I would hope that people that have traditional beliefs, traditional faiths that they would not be bullied for holding views about morality or the definition of marriage."