
Exactly! This season has been the most that she had in terms of storyline. And to be a love interest of another supporting character pretty much limits your exposure as an actor. I mean, she auditioned for the lead and Delphine was written because of her so she is not just character actor material. And to have people

I know right? I get all the disappointment but to take it further to the point of harassing the writers and even the actors on twitter/IG? That's just embarrassing. And don't even get me started on Tumblr. Okay, you're passionate about your ship but it's not the end of the world. It's a freaking tv show, for crying

And that would be a weak move for OB. They were building up Delphine as HBIC since ep 1 then she will just run away? Of course they had to let her go with a bang (literally?).

Thank you! I just don't get why other people choose to ignore this fact. *coughCophineshipperscough* Delphine is a supporting character as opposed to Aurora in X Company, whose one of the leads. Why would EBro pass that up?

Yes! That'll be in the OMG!Gracie-is-the-freaking-mole category. But I hope not. I like Scott :(

Maybe she is the one who shot Delphine? That'll be too obvious though, and OB doesn't do obvious