
Who has exciting weekend plans? I'll be eating delicious BBQ and listening to some live music, then maybe taking a nice long bike ride.

Happy Friday everyone! It was nice to have a short(er) week this week.

VOTE: Mint.com

@TheFu: Oh codecs... yuck.. I hadn't considered that yet. 64 bit has been around for quite a while. How are codecs still not up to snuff?

@Xeno: Ah awesome! Thanks for the recommendation. I had only heard of SetCPU, which costs money and looks like more configurability than I need.

@TheFu: We are trying to escape from the oppressive cable bill, so it will be Netflix, Hulu, DVDs, YouTube, etc. Lots of streaming, but also need something for our movie/music collection.

@dabodabo: My wife and I both stick to "Kbye" said as quickly as possible when it is clear the phone call is over. It lets the other person know you are definitely done, and will be hanging up in about .5 seconds if they don't have anything further.

@oneshot719: Good tip.. I hadn't even considered that occurring.

Does anyone have suggestions for killer applications for an HTPC?

Happy holiday weekend to all my fellow Americans! Happy weekend to anyone who doesn't get a holiday!

@FriarNurgle: Newsflash: Tech will always be getting better, and there will always be something better coming out soon. Pick a phone that you like and don't worry that you will only be the cool kid on the block for a few months before the next thing arrives.

I'm not too concerned with preventing all scars... part of the fun of having scars is having good stories to tell about them. Imperfections are what make us interesting!

@trashcanpatrol: Never ever ever ever click links in spam email. It is best if you don't even open them. The only unsubscribe links that work are links from retailers you know you have given your email to (Best Buy, ebay, Amazon, whatever). Even then be careful for impostor emails, and make sure you are looking at the

Happy Friday fellow Lifehackers! This Friday is extra awesome due to the fact that it is Friday, my birthday, and the anti-Christmas (6 months til next xmas!).

Could not recommend Swype for Android highly enough... I grabbed it yesterday and can already tell you I'll never switch back to the stock keyboard.

@Trolly: The soccer fans is South Africa seem to be quite fond of them, and many people going to the World Cup are buying them (I assume) at stands near the stadiums.

@timgray: Absolutely agreed. I'm not saying that you should do it unless you have an excuse on their approved list. I'm saying that inconvenience or "don't want to" or "I'm watching the World Cup" are poor excuses for shirking your civic duty.

The right* thing to do is serve your jury duty as you are able. If you need to get out of it for a legitimate reason, by all means do it. If you just don't want to do it, tough it out anyway. Just like you would want competent, impartial jurors when you are standing trial, you should be willing to do your duty for

@one_cool_unicorn: Perhaps Nintendo needs to sweden the deal to entice you to finnish.