
@Michael Huang: I had not accounted for the tax credit, thanks! With that in mind, it makes a lot more sense to hold on to the loan myself. I still plan to pay more than the monthly minimums, so hopefully I can dig myself out of debt fairly quickly. I appreciate all the good feedback!

@TheFu: Thanks all for the words of wisdom. I have a good amount of confidence in my relationship with both my parents and in-laws, but your warnings about mixing family and money are well taken.

I've been considering a pitch to my parents or in-laws and I would like to get some advice or reactions from my fellow LH'ers.

@Unionhawk: I have had an ongoing poke war with one friend for upwards of 4 years. The soon-to-be wife has been in a poke war with me for most of that time as well. It is a fun way to be reminded of my friend whom I rarely see anymore. Every few weeks I will check her profile before my "return fire" poke.

There are several comments to the tune of "well duh, if you put your information online, you should expect it to be public". I kindly disagree.

@Buster Friendly: I'll get this place shut down... I'll put strychnine in the guacamole...

@Johnny-Boy: I actually enjoyed Osmos... I was playing it mostly at a time when I was stressed at work and didn't have the mental bandwidth for more complex games... this was an easy way to chill and play a relaxed clicky clicky game.

@autob0n: I would about be tempted just to get a giant version of the 2.1 live wallpapers.. out of all the great things my Droid can do, I swear I spend the most time on it idly pressing on the wallpaper and watching the red dots go...

@wjglenn: Loaves of unsliced bread. Bread has always been awesome.

@Buster Friendly: Hmm... I'm using nVidia 8600 GT. I don't recall having this problem back in the day using Conky on that machine, but times have changed since 8.04

@thefunnelweaver: I enjoy using "Braddleton" for my Brad friend. Bradrick may be the next iteration.

@Stephen.Lecheler: I will likely be going classy with Milwaukee's Best Light. That, or Captain Morgan.

Anybody have a good resource for Conky scripts or alternative programs? I'm trying to get my desktop tweaked just so, but Conky can be a cruel mistress.

@Buster Friendly: Granted, it will likely come out on Valve time, but a guy can hope, right?

@ianturton: I like your way better, it lets me be mischievous... Happy Friday!

@relyk5: That may have been a good picture for this week's open thread, considering the state of the comments system for a while today :)

So... with the announcement of Steam for Mac (and possibly a Linux client coming), the excellence of 10.04, and the recent purchase of an xbox, I may finally be ready to switch back to Ubuntu for my main OS. I have always liked Ubuntu, but I've always been too lazy to boot back and forth depending on what I'm doing.