
@BishopBlaize: It is a different kind of mental exertion I would say... Take a first person shooter for example. Tons of things are running through your head at any given moment:

@iamnotafish: You jest, but I really do wonder if video games could be included in the list of mentally engaging activities. It likely depends on the game type, but that would an interesting piece of follow-up information.

The following sentence is true. The previous sentence is false.

This is good advice when taken with a grain of salt. There are conversations that can be had in 1/10th of the time in person that they would take over email/IM. I often find it much more convenient to answer a more complicated question face to face.

@screenmutt: You need ideas besides building your own bar, scantily clad ladies, a Bob Marley poster, and a futon? Can't help you there :P

@Bonsai_halcyon: Hey! Great to see another Warrior Dasher... I signed up for the midwest race with my soon-to-be wife, and we can't wait for it... It will be our first one, so I'd love to hear how you liked it.

@Miletos: This is a great idea, I will have to give it a go... thanks!

@Michael Dukakis: To be franc, this "crackdown" will do nothing. You can bank on it.

Fellow Kotakians,

@Jordan10la: I hear ya, I've been meaning to clean out my mp3 collection for a while... but what if I want to listen to that song I've had for 3 years, skipped 30 times, and never listened to?!

Yet another droid-related question... There is an app buried deep in the phone settings-about menu that tells you what has been using your battery, and how much. Does anyone know of a way to track this information over a longer period? I would like to see what is consuming my battery over a week or month.

@bweezy21: @A.Nonymous: Thanks for the recommendation, I'll give it a shot tonight if it isn't raining. Next step is either finding an armband that will fit it comfortably or hacking one together myself :)

I'm slowly transitioning away from my iPod touch and to my Droid as my source of media. One thing that I still use the iTouch for is running, both for the nike+ and the armband. Does anyone have a suggestion for replacing either of those with some Android type functionality?

@iSmithx_reloaded: I really enjoyed crunchbang when I was mainly using a laptop for going to class/taking notes. It is very fast and slick. The minimal interface helped me to keep more focused (I basically only used shortcuts to launch things)

@GamerOfFreedom: I'll second that! Kudos on being the friendly, helpful, respectful, and fun community that you all are!

Happy Friday all! I'm looking forward to quality time with the friends and family this weekend. Anyone else have plans for Easter weekend?

@Buster Friendly: I hear you on that... I can get cranky at times as well, usually coming out in the form of extreme cynicism/sarcasm. For me, it helps to keep a few things in mind... 1. Being nice typically gets other people to be nice back, which usually reduces stress.

So this morning I nearly slept in too long, due to my phone(also my alarm) being on vibrate. I use a Droid with the media docking station. Is there any way to make the alarm sound be enabled, while still keeping calls/alerts silenced. I'm not interested in waking up to email alerts or phone calls/texts at 3 in the

@daveywest: Every time one of you comes in the door from a day apart, run up and give an excited hug/kiss... pick her up and squeeze, whatever.. just be excited to see her after you've been apart for a while... its a great way to show that you love her and you are glad to be with her

Already got my return! Hello paying off student loans!