Hey, I've heard people say this movie is basically one long trailer for the JLA movie. So maybe Starro?
Hey, I've heard people say this movie is basically one long trailer for the JLA movie. So maybe Starro?
Eh, C- is like as bad as it can be without starting to get actually offensive. Ds are like things are seriously wrong that bother you; C- is just a waste of time, a few good ideas or scenes slowly drowning in a sea of mediocrity.
I wonder if truly hammy performances are more the director thinking for some reason that'll add levity or the actor thinking "hey, at least this way I'll amuse myself"? Every bit I've seen in ads about Luthor is cringe-inducing; I wonder if after awhile it'll get to Stockholm-levels and he'll be the breakout character?
Just in that they demanded late-in-production budget cuts, versus whatever the fuck they're giving Snyder here.
Gah; 2016 is now killing off musical dudes younger than me!
RIP guy-who-died-too-young.
They should do porn parodies of pornos. You know, the cable repair guy, the hot pool boy, the sexy bisexual neighbor lady, the repressed housewife, some guy with a gigantic mustache who sort of looks like video game Mario and it's all fourth-wall breaking and make with reality-show interview asides?
Fine, say 75. Whatever. But not the 340+ it's done.
He's said no nudity, so it'll just be more beating, probably lots more Jesus (though apparently no one says the word Jesus which just makes me want to beat my head against a wall since that's apparently exactly who Superman is playing) and maybe some plot-glue.
Sometimes it's great to have your comfort spot.
Eh, it doesn't matter how much it makes, it matters how much it makes vis-a-vis what people expected. The P&A for this will be beyond insane and if it doesn't clear a huge return, the stock will take a hit and people will lose jobs. This isn't Deadpool where if it did $50 million they would have been happy and instead…
Not if they're the Pittsburgh Pirates. Adding fake Steelers to TDKR didn't add much at all.
The Netflix guy knows it won't happen, but still daydreams that after whatever what was wrong with The Little Prince, maybe they could get Bats V Supes for cheap, too!
Stride mothers; they mostly come out at night.
Eh, yeah; sounds like a movie to see with one hand on the fast-forward button. And the other on some 2.99/six Trader Joe's beer, because sometimes you deserve that.
Wow; this just hit me and it seems so obvious it's embarrassing, but in the Star Wars prequels, they wanted us to believe Anakin was a hero who fell from grace. But at no time did I ever feel like he was a hero. He was a kind of project for Obi-Wan, but I never cheered for Anakin or really wanted him to succeed on his…
Comment count (no money) and click count (money) aren't always the same.
I imagine that w/o a TV/movie deal it pays very tittle, constantly exposes you to hecklers and criticism, is full of joke thieves and is often pretty cynical. Comedians look at shit that's wrong or weird or busted to make jokes about; eventually the stink stops going away.
Metacritic is bad too. But worse is the parts I was afraid of seem to be the big parts. Eisenberg is an embarrassment. Religion as a 2x4 to the face. Wonder Woman is an afterthought. "Because plot" actions that make no sense. And, I mean, for fuck's sake:
He does say he continues to bring it up and it leads to a fight. Sounds to me like the lines are drawn, and she's giving all she's willing to give and that isn't changing (and due to religion, once kids come she could cut him off outright). He's extremely young in a sexually-incompatible marriage. There's not much to…
I feel sort of bad for NOPE and his advice isn't useful. But the answer seems to be "I'm not into that". No different than unwanted buttsex, being too rough or weird talking. No one likes everything; she needs to be upfront that she don't like that and if it's important for the dude, it's not going to work.