
Civil disobedience. Free speech, not violence.

Can you blame him? This is the first actual thing he’s done since getting in office.

Time to start speed dating.

“top of the line CGI” was why I watched it in 3D, and I’ll be damned if you say I didn’t get that in spades. I can’t think of a single person that said Avatar “broke new cultural ground” or “it had the best plot/story/characters”

Trump’s first term”

He would know. It doesn’t have a SINGLE golden toilet. Trump dump.

Yes, but you could just take the parts list and build it yourself. Surely you can see the parts list before you order it... right?

Unreal Engine 4, eh? One day it may come out on Nintendo Switch. Keepin’ the dream alive.

See, his pouty face actually made it more enjoyable to me. If I were Macron, I’d order the orchestra to play more Daft Punk until he resigns.

Not sure what Avitar is, but I hope the coffee works! Maybe you’re thinking of James Cameron’s blue people Avatar?

Makes perfect sense, too, because Mario is Italian!

Yeah, this seems like a massive high-level conceptual fail. You’d have to put it down on your lap or some other surface to be able to type, and at that point you might as well use a normal keyboard. A wireless bluetooth keyboard seems like a much better solution than this abomination.

I meant that all sexual preferences should be acceptable, but your miscontruing is exactly why I didn’t use the word “acceptable”.

Amen, brother/sister.

Maybe the word “normal” means different things to different people. Perhaps the word “acceptable” is better. Yeah, I doubt that same-sex relationships will ever be the majority, but who knows?

I agree with most of what you said. However, I disagree that “the fight was won”. There are many, MANY people who still believe that it is immoral for same-sex people to engage in any romantic or sexual relationship. That said, I think this article may be working against its own agenda. So, maybe we’re saying the same

My social studies teacher in 8th grade had us do a mock Continental Congress for probably the better part of a month. We all pretended to be Congressmen drafting the Constitution. It was amazing, and one of the best educational classes I’ve ever taken.

Agreed on all accounts!

I was very happy that ESO had a quest about the tender love and loss of two male wood elves... and no blog blew it out of proportion like when Mass Effect allowed same-sex relationships.