
The answer is obvious. It’s a Formic bred for melee combat in space and on land.

Do PS4 versions exist?

Reminds me of Warning Forever. Never-ending boss fights in which the next boss fortifies against how you killed the previous one.

Now playing

Knew this already. Trump is actually right on this one.

The same day Hillary releases her transcripts. aka never. I wish they’d both release them both, but it’s simply not going to happen.

How about if a large portion of the electronically tabulated votes were fraudulent? Can’t argue against the fact that it’s statistically definite https://richardcharnin.wordpress.com/

Yeah, like everyone else is saying, he should have done at least 2 full measures of each song, preferably 4.

Thank you for this summary. So, objectivism is an ethical justification for capitalism and free-market principles being “good” ? Sounds like selfism to me.

Thank you for the quote. So Gary Johnson is an Objectivist (just learned about this term minutes ago), so you won’t vote for him? I’m just trying to figure out specific reasons.

Care to explain the jist of why the fact that he thinks Atlas Shrugged summarizes him makes you not want to vote for Johnson? I’m not familiar with the material.

That’s exactly what the two-party system wants you to do. Perpetual fear of “the other”.

He clearly cares more about Deadpool than Fox does.

See that’s what I was thinking, so how do they slow down?

My question to that is, how we get the data back? If it’s 4.2 light years away, it would take 4.2 years for the data to have a prayer of reaching Earth given no data loss and conventional means (no space-time bending). I’m going to guess and say that they could do a fly-by and use the same solar sails, Proxima

Should have made the T-100 out of carbon fiber...and wider than all hydraulic presses.

This is how I see every Clinton supporter. Don’t vote for the lesser evil. Vote FOR who you want, not against who you don’t. Don’t consider voting third-party as throwing your vote away. It’s only throwing your vote away if everyone thinks that. It’s a vicious cycle. You’re throwing your vote into a colossal corrupt

Oh god, so many.

Can you play two players v. two computers? I’d buy it while it’s on sale if that’s the case.

More fun than Towerfall? I don’t know. I have my doubts as a superlative, but it does look quite fun. Othello + Jezzball + multi-player = mayhem.

Why the change from “Disaster” to “Dilemma” ?